Saw some wolves today!

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Deja vu

New member
I was out playing in the Selway wilderness area early this morning (4 days off if you count the week end and the wife away) and my horse started acting spooky. After going on for about 20 more min I saw what had spooked the horse I saw a pair of wolves watching us about 150ish yards away. One was grey and the other one was the less common brown/black color. I had one of my 357s on my hip and I was happy it was there.

Any way I watched them for what felt like an hour but turned out to be about 15 min when I looked at my watch. Any way nothing happened they closed in to about 100 yards and then figured out we (Casper the horse and I) where not likely food and left. It was very exciting. They are very pretty animals.

I may be back later when I get a wolf tag.
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Too bad season ended the 31st... i would have picked a fence post and made the wildest attempt to hit a wolf in history. I'm not willing to knowingly maim most game animals but for wolves i'll make an exception
I was unaware that Pennsylvania has wolves...until I was backpacking there and had the good fortune to see one. It's coat was gold.
At the time, I was in my campsite, and had my Glock 23 handy as the wolf walked by about 50yds away.
It was beautiful to see and the highlight of that trip.
Too bad season ended the 31st... i would have picked a fence post and made the wildest attempt to hit a wolf in history. I'm not willing to knowingly maim most game animals but for wolves i'll make an exception.

Why not just grab your gun and gut shoot them then? Violating/poaching is the same whether you do it with a gun or a fencepost.
Argh. I'm kinda tired, maybe bored, with having to read through a bunch of love/hate stuff about wolves--every time the subject comes up. Plus, venting and ranting does not reflect well on TFL.
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