Saw my first IDPA


New member
last night. Damn that looks like fun. I think next wend. my old roommate and I are gonna try it. I might be able to get my Hooters waitress to go to (she likes shooting). When I was watching it set up, i was thinking damn this looks pretty easy, but when the range master told me who was really good and I saw their scores, i guess it is much harder than it looks.

Here is how it was setup last night, You are behind a 55 gallon oil drum, you have to pull a line that removes a stop for a swinging target, you have to drop to one knee and hit it at least 3 in center. I keep wondering why everyone was shooting more than 3 times, then i started taping the holes and I knew why, even with 6, 7, or even 8 shots no-one was hitting it all 3 times in center mass.

Next one there were 6 targegts lined up front to back, all 6 in a straight line back. First there was hostage, then terrosts, etc. You have to fire 2 and only 2 at each target moving lateraly from the front to the right. You cannot hit a host through a terriost. Second leg, you go to the left using your weak and only your weak hand.

Last one, you start out right next to a target, pull from your hip and fire 2 twice, then move a few steps and shoot the guy right next to him. Then you have to reload from behind cover to a mag that only has 5 rounds in it, so you have 6 in the gun, go to the opeing and shoot 2 and only 2 times at each 3 targets. You should be in slide-lock, then reload (the first was a tactial reload, but this one you can drop your mag) behind cover again and go around the next corner and shot 1 shot in the head.

Looks fun! and an excuse to buy that CZ-75 I have been wanting.
I started shooting in IDPA matches last June at the local club and I have not missed a match since and dont plan on missing any this year. It is a lot of fun.
You are very lucky to have such a good club so close. Even though I live in SoCal, I have shot at PSC in Friendswood. My wife's mother's 2nd cousin is the club PREZ! The first time I showed up, one of the members was so kind as to lend me a G30 for the match. Later on, I returned the favor by lending one of their guys a G34 at the California State match in 2001.
It's just too bad that Texas doesn't have California weather..... Otherwise, there would be a match every Saturday and Sunday(after church, of course)
Actually I was at ASC which is about 40 miles from home, but I know the PSC Club in F'wood has one too, haven't been to one of their's yet.

Do you know any details about the PSC IDPA matches?
IDPA match

Hey Drundel:

You're in luck! There's an IDPA match at PSC tomorrow. Starts about 0900. CU there?


Maybe, I have an apt. to have my truck bed sprayed with line-x. Let me see if my old roommate can get up by then, in which case i am in.

Got any more details for me about the match?