Saw & Minimi

I am curious. Would it be legal to buy one of these two weapons if: 1. They were semi automatic, or, 2. They were bought legally using the ATF tax stamp, assuming I lived in a legal state to own full auto.

I hope someone can answer this question.
There is a semi minimi out there. They are not cheap, but they are legal. I don't think there are any SAW's or MINIMI's on the registry, but if there happens to be one, it would cost more than your house.
Two problems

First problem as to semi automatic, this design fires from the open bolt, ATF considers open bolt semi autos are regulated the same as machineguns, so any manuf. who wanted to put out a semi auto version would have to do it from a complete new design not being able to use std. available parts.

Second problem the guns are imported FN Belgium. Imported machineguns were banned from citizens in 1968 so not gonna find an original gun in country that old.

Up till 1986 one of the guns would have to been imported, then receiver destroyed with the receiver being manuf. by a US company then be re-sold to be transferable to citizens as US manuf. machineguns was 1986.

So you are looking for the unobtainable, if one or two did exists I would say $150,000 for one would not be out of line.

The .223 mini gun used in the movie predator is in private hands and each time it sells, the price goes up, I believe the last time it was over $200,000 mark.

I reccomend you first move to a NFA friendly state and take baby steps into something affordable in the $15,000 range or lower rather than searching for the holy grail.
Desert Ordnance lists a semi auto only SAW on their website. I've seen these guns for sale before on different websites, mostly forums, along with semi only M60's. I don't really know what the point of one of those would be, but they run in the $6k range IIRC. Desert Ordnance doesn't list a price for a new one, they only list "call for price".
Stop by Midwest Gun and Range in Elkhart, IN. They have an M249 for rent and they don't even make you link your own belts.:)
He was talking about a full-auto, transferable M249. If there is one out there it would be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe more.
I know housing prices have slid a little since my refi, but c'mon.

That's one of them thar creeaytive ritin' quotes!

What I actually said was:
I don't think there are any SAW's or MINIMI's on the registry, but if there happens to be one, it would cost more than your house.
By "on the registry" I meant on the registry of transferrable automatic weapons. And if there was one, it would be priced according to David Hineline's prediction, which would make it more than a lot of people's homes.
The Mosinfreak may well be correct I live in Nebraska and have seen the Saw alongside other MG's at the shows here. I just assumed it was the real deal and never asked.
Keep in mind State Department can transfer/issue a machinegun to a private citizen and they sometimes do (Black Water). I would not be at all surprised if some of the State Department contractors show up to MG shoots with toys.
If you get the right manufacturers license or the right dealers license and a M240G is about $4400 dollars factory direct. I looked at the paperwork on one just last week. three barrels, hard case, linker. bi pod included, the tripod was several hundred more. If you have a few thousand dollars to spend on the apps process and you jump thru the hoops, its possible to get them... even "post ban" guns, because cops and private companies and other suitably legit people have to have access to new guns for testing, training, selling, etc. This one was being delivered to a machine shop which was developing a new QD mount system for them.
ATFE really likes it if you take advantage of the dealer/supplier license. I thought about doing it to be able to work on designing some guns, and a few people made it very obvious to me that if I did not pursue it seriously as a business the ATF would bend me over my workbench.
I must say, I don't know what all the hype about the SAW is. I have fired a few, full auto, it wasn't really too much special. Though it seemed to average about 5-6 FTF per every 200 round drum.
I Carried A Saw For A Long Time If You Get 5 Ftf Out Of A 200 Round Drum There Is Something Wrong With Your Saw

Unless of course someone was just firing blanks out of it prior ;)

ftf's happen and you can always chamber a new round.

So do sucking chest wounds. A ftf is fine on the range, but not in combat.