Savage Striker or other hand rifles?


New member
Anyone have any experience with this little rifle, or any of the other hand rifles? looking at the model with the adjustable muzzle brake. Is the left hand bolt better/easier to use than the right had bolt on the Remington and Weatherby. How is accuracy? What is lost due to shorter barrel? How is recoil in this little package? I'm considering a 22-250, but am also curious about a 7mm-08, esp recoil.

Gotta Decide what I want for Christmas!

Your help is always appreciated!
Lonestar, i don't have any experience with them really either, i would like to have one just because it seems like every time i am out bowhunting some @%#$%@^%# has to look at me through a rifle scope and it would be nice to haul a scoped pistol out and give somebody a little of their own stupid@$$ed medicine. I will say that it seems to me like the left handed bolt would be easier to operate.
A friend of mine bought one this summer. Allegedly to hunt deer. Savage, left hand bol with built in brake. In .308 Win. Last time I was with him he hadn't even sighted it in yet. I was with him on a pistol range while he was playing with it.. Recoil didn't see bad .. but My God the muzzle blast. He forgot to put on his muffs and I could hear HIM scream when he got hit with the concussion.
Whatever turns you on I guess but I ain't got no use for the things
A 64 year old friend of mine hunts with a Striker in .308. He says the muzzle blast is disorienting for the shooter and the first time he shot it, he had his elbows a bit loose and the scope bit him in the nose. Apparently, its a handful, but manageable if you practice enough. He's planning on rebarreling it in something closer to 7mm-08
(he's using some wildcat that I don't recall).