savage short action


New member
a friend told me the other day that the savage "short action" bolt gun isn't a "true" short action :confused: ...longer than a rem700, win70 or ruger77...true?

this got me thinking :eek:. is the savage short action long enough to feed a 6.5x55mm cartridge? :) thanks folks
9mmepiphany, you'd have to make a few measurements to know for sure but Savage doesn't chamber their short actions in any round nearly as long as the 6.5x55. I think the longest they chamber for is the 7mm-08. I believe it could be altered to accept the longer cartridge but it might cost a bit. George
There was a time several years ago when Savage had some financial problems & nearly went under. Previously, I believe they made 2 or 3 action lengths, short, long & magnum. When things got tight, they standardized on 1 or 2, long & magnum (This is from a dim memory, so check me out on this if anyone else has input. I'll check with a friend who has a safe full of Savage.....), but I digress. The "short action" guns built after the crunch were long actions with a spacer in the mag box & a spacer lug on the bolt to reduce stroke to short action length. The guns work well, although the internal machining sometimes looked as if a gorilla with a cold chisel had cut it out. They were using milling cutters till there was nothing left in non critical areas. The critical areas always looked good. The guns have always been a great buy for what you get. An accurate strong reliable gun.
Short Action Savage

My Savage Project rifle in .358 winchester was a model 11. The newer versions (about two or three years old) with two digit model numbers are all "true" short actions. They handle calibers up to .308 which, I believe, is 2.8" OAL maximum. Just off the top of my head, but I think that's right. It's much the same as the Model 7 or Model 600 Remingtons which are also so-limited. The next sub-class or cartridge length is the 6.5x55, 6mm remington, 7x57 class which will not, to my knowledge, work in either the Savage or remington short actions.

Here's a link to my Project rifle page:
much thanks to all

everyone's info has been very helpful and generous, i'm really glad i found this site...:D

i'm in the re-evaluation stage again, i'm hoping to get it right the first better half won't put up with much experimentation through multiple purchases :p i'm already getting strange looks from her :rolleyes: about the need for multiple handguns.

thanks everyone