Savage Model 10 failing to chamber round


New member

It only does it every so often during cycling. Does it with both snap caps and live rounds. All I have to do is back the bolt up a little bit and then close it and it chambers fine but it’s pretty annoying. Happened when I was trying to get a follow-up shot off on some hogs and definitely cost me some time. Any idea what could be causing this? Or how to fix it?

Sounds like a normal savage to me. I think I've had 4 savage rifles and 3 of them would do that. I don't think any of them did it every time though, does yours?
It only does it every so often during cycling.

Intermittent problems during feeding are very difficult to diagnose without the firearm in hand for testing.

Does it "every so often" often?? is it repeatable?? What round does it happen on? random?? always the 2nd round? the 3rd round?? there are lots of possible reasons, but with the information provided, I would just be guessing.

If the gun is still under warranty, contact the maker.

What it looks like, from the pic provided is that the rim of the round is slipping up too high during feeding, and backing the bolt off a bit allows the round to drop back down to its proper angle, and so then feeds normally.

WHY that is happening could be a number of things, it could even be the way you work the bolt (probably isn't but at this point nothing can be ruled out).

I have seen guns that operated flawlessly when the action was worked at the "right" speed, and screwed up when worked too fast, or too slow. Nearly anything is possible.

Also be aware that snap caps are not dummy rounds, and can, in certain circumstances give false indication of functionality.
I don't think any of them did it every time though, does yours?
Every time? No, maybe once every 15-20 times of cycling the action

Does it "every so often" often?? is it repeatable?? What round does it happen on?…

I unfortunately have no definitive data. Repeatable? Yes, but it doesn’t seem to have any consistency or pattern from what I can tell.. The round it happens on seems to also be random in my experience.
With push-feed actions, this tends to happen with slow cycling and usually only from one side of the magazine.

If you run it fast and it still does this, your feed lips probably need some tweaking.
+1 with FM's post above. My Savage 12 FTR will ocassionally nose tip bump a round if I'm being too tender on the bolt feed. When I snap the round into the box mag and give a brisk into battery motion on the bolt the rounds feed perfect. Same goes with my 1903-A4 , it too likes a brisk ride on the bolt.
Check the front action screw and the front base screw. If the front action screw is only a few thousands too long, it may be entering the chamber slightly. This would prevent the bolt entering about the same as shown. Same for the front scope base screw. Just a guess.
Is it a blind mag? If so, do you by chance have follower in backwards? I know you can put it in backwards in some of the 110 Savages and it will cause just what you describe.
I have 7 Savage bolt actions.
A couple of them sometimes don't chamber if the round is the top round in a full mag.
I simply back off the bolt a bit and retry and it always seems to chamber.

Never have the problem if the mag is not full.
Not a problem at the range and I don't load the mag full when hunting.