Savage HS among other things...


New member
Does anyone know offhand what the unsupported cartridge protrusion (Headspace) of a 308 in a savage 110 is? If you don't know for sure, please refrain from throwing a random number out there.

Also, is there anyone who makes/has a blueprint for a savage cocking tool?

Headspace for a .308 should be headspace for a .308.....

The "free space" aka how long you can seat the bullet till it meets the lands, will depend upon the individual rifle.
I'm talking about how much unsupported case will be protruding from the breech. I understand what headspace is, I was just trying to simplify it in case anyone here didn't understand my meaning. I'll go elsewhere for answers next time.

Do you mean how much of the case is forward of the datum line (where headspace is measured off of) or are you referring to throat length?

I guess I just need some clarification on the question.
I'm referring to the unsupported case protruding from the shank of the barrel. Although now that I think about it, that should be just the depth of the bolt face plus .005"
Yup, you got it. I wouldn't have more than .010" between the breech and the bolt head.

The other answers sure didn't help. Free bore is how far out you can seat the bullet before it touches the lands.