Savage 720

I have always lusted after a Browning A5, but I have never found a deal I could convince myself to pull the trigger on. Ran across this Savage model that is very similar in appearance and DIRT cheap.
Can anyone tell me how similar they are internally?
Are the Savage 720 shotguns good quality guns?
The 720 is a clone and I know the bolts will interchange, after that I'm not sure. Of course stocks "should" fit but not positive on that one.
720 Savage

I have owned several, and worked on many. Very well built gun. Most troubles
encountered was recoil spring and friction bushings. Most I worked on had never
been apart and were full of powder residue,this can end up in recoil buffer spring
when oil and bore cleaner is over done. Other than that good gun, easier to
take apart than Browning because screws have bigger slots.