Savage 67H anyone own one?


New member
I'm considering a Savage 67H for $129. It seems to be a decent gun, but I'm unfamiliar with the Savage line and can't find much online or in my reference books. Does anyone own one and/or know any points to watch out for when buying this gun used?
The Savage 67 was a good quality utility-grade pump gun.
Like all Savage guns, it was well made.

The things to look for are the same as on any used gun:
Rust, corrosion, and pitting any where but especially in the bore.

Look for excessive wear and tear to any parts, and look for any signs of alteration or "Bubba's" handiwork.

Look for cracks in the wood, either around the area where the butt stock joins the receiver, or around the pump handle.

Check all functions of the gun (safety, disconnecter, hammer stays cocked, trigger pull isn't too light, etc) for signs of wear, alteration, or damage.

Check the magazine spring for rusted or weak spring, or rust in the tube.

Check pins and screws for signs the gun has been disassembled. This is often a sign someone unqualified has been inside doing God knows what.

Pump shotguns are usually dirty ranging to filthy inside, since people seem to think they don't need to be cleaned.
The "look out" is to be sure there isn't rust or corrosion under the dirt, especially in the bore or chamber.
Chambers especially can corrode when used with modern plastic shells.

In general, a used pump shotgun is often dirty inside, with worn exterior finish on metal and wood, but is often in excellent mechanical shape under the crud.
The Savage/Stevens/Springfield 67's are good little shotties. Mine is a Springfield 67B. Does yours have the safety on the trigger guard or tang? If its on the trigger guard, try looking at the model 30's and 77's.

The 67's have a habit of cracking at the wrist of the butt stock because the stock bolt is very near the surface and the wood is thin at the top of the wrist. I have a set of laminated camo stocks from Numrich Gun Parts and they have many other parts as well.
Model 67

I just got a series 67L series e - waiting for a red dot scope i ordered to mount on it. It has adequate rifle sights that came with the gun.

Took it to the range, loves Brennke & Winchester slugs, bought several boxes of Federal #1 buckshot for while working.
