Savage 24? 30-30?


New member
Anyone own one?

I may be in the market for a combination gun (I often use one of my fathers but would like my own. cheap junk or functional simplicity? I do not care for looks or esthetics

I think I would like the 20gauge with either a 222,223 or 30-30

if handloaded with spitzertype bullets would 30-30 be a feasible semi-long range hunting round?
how hard could you load it? we have some legislation in Sweden for specs that the rounds needs to be allowed to hunt bigger game (moose, hogs etc)

and I have pigs on my lease so I would be stupid to carry around a 222 or 223 (which don't meet the demands of the law for hogs)

with todays leverution powders and hornadys new bullets 30-30 can be a class 1 calibre (demands are atleast 9 gram bullets and 2700joules impact at 100meters)

is the action of the savage 24 strong enough for that? I don't even need the hornady bullets per say as it is a singel shot:)

can you handload so that the trajectory is more flatshooting then 30-30 is traditonally?

it would be treetop birdhunting for the record, ranges easily stretch out for that. and/or sometimes you want to take a goose at long range when they don't land in my decoys. or calling fox
, I am not out to "snipe" hogs I just want to be able to get one if I walk up on it:D

I could go straight for the 12/308 but what is the fun in that? I'd imagine that the 20gauge is considerably lighter to.
The Savage 24 (you would be looking for a 24V or 24D-S to get the 30-30) is no stronger than a cheap shotgun, so no, you cannot load it up hotter than you could a Winchester 94. The Hornady Leverevolution rounds will give you a flatter trajectory and extend the range a hundred yards or so, but that is mainly due to the spritzer bullet's higher ballistic coefficient. If you want the ease of carrying a break-open over a lever gun, look for a Handi-Rifle. If you want a 30-30, get a lever action or an old Winchester 54 bolt action. If you want a combination gun, that is primarily a European thing, and you probably have many more of them hanging out in Europe than over here.
I had a 24F in .22 Hornet over 12ga. It was functional but that's about it. Accuracy was poor (3-4 MOA with a scope). Barrels were very poorly regulated (two barrels shot to different points of aim). And, it was very heavy. I used it for a Florida turkey gun (where you can legally hunt turkeys with a rifle). I wanted that Hornet in case a coyote or hog popped out of the brush. In order to get around the barrel regulation problem, I put a see-thru scope mount on it and sighted the scope in for the rifle. Then, I got a taller rear sight (to protrude over the Weaver scope base) and sighted the shotgun barrel with that. I sold it when I found I was moving to MS where you aren't allowed to carry a rifle during turkey season.
if handloaded with spitzertype bullets would 30-30 be a feasible semi-long range hunting round?
how hard could you load it? we have some legislation in Sweden for specs that the rounds needs to be allowed to hunt bigger game (moose, hogs etc)

It would depend on what you mean by "semi-long range". Loaded with regular flat points the 30-30 is good out to 150 meters or so. Loaded with spitzers you might get 200-225 out of it. You shouldn't load the 30-30 hotter than factory loads, especially in a 24. I don't know the specs required for Swedish moose, but I'd guess that the 30-30 isn't going to be enough.
I don't know the specs required for Swedish moose, but I'd guess that the 30-30 isn't going to be enough.

handloaded it can be, our moose aren't as big as the alaskan ones

but if that is too much for the savage i guess I have to look elsewhere

As I said earlier I wouldn't hunt hogs, moose with it but if oppurtunity arises I don't want to not be able to shoot

222 or 223 are great calibres (and 30-30) for what it would be used for

driven hunts for roedeer

calling fox

sneak hunting geese

but it would irk me if a big boar shows up and I can't shot it:D
the Savage double was designed to be a one gun survival tool for mountain to take fur and big game with one gun.popular with wolf hunters in alaska was not designed and wont be a 350 yard 30-30 only a survival gun good for varmints,fur and big game.

get a rugar no.1 in 30-30 with custon cut rifled barrel and good scope.this will shoot spitzers nicely at longer ranges
If I lived in Sweden and was determined to hunt moose with a combination gun, I'd find a Valmet in 30-06/12.
I got other stuff for moose:)

it is the pigs I worry about, I wouldn't go out hunting hogs with it but don't wanna pass on the opportunity if it arises, hence 30-30 instead of 222 or 223

but I hear ya'll, I figured I ask if this was a hidden gem or sorts, savages have a good reputation for accuracy so

I already load 308 so I thought I could share bullets and whatnot with a 30-30

20gauge and a smaller calibre saves weight i reckoned