Savage 219-220 shotgun vs rifle forearm

Anyone know if the shotgun barrels (specifically 20 gauge) for a Savage 219/220 use the same foreend as the rifle barrels?

I have a line on a 20 gauge barrel for my 219, but it doesn't have a forearm.

I have a .30-30 on my 219 right now, and it does have the forearm.
The forearm iron should fit, the only problem will be the wood to metal fit as the 30-30 barrel has a slimmer profile. You may have to start looking for a extra forearm iron for the gun. Boyds carrys the replacement wood for the 219/220/24 models.

I ordered a replacement stock(M24 o/u) for my 219 and the buttstock fit without any fitting. The forearm wood was a minor fit.
Thanks. I've seen some of the iron for sale. PRICEY.

I think I'm going to pass on the barrel for now and only bid on those that come with a forearm.

I also bid on a S&W 25 in .45 Colt and that's going to suck up every available penny of gun fund for awhile.