Savage 110ML II

You can type in Savage MLII, and find a dozen sites that will tell you all you want to know about the rifle. Pretty impressive, if it is all true. Don't own one myself, but I can see visions of one in my near future. I would suggest however, that you buy the special wrench to get the plug out, without having to take the bolt out, as this requires taking the barrel loose, from the bedding. Most guys will tell you that once you work up a good accurate load, that it doesn't help your accuracy to take the stock on and off of your rifles.
Looks like someone who has put all the thought into a rifle the way that Savage has, would have figured out a way to get the bolt out without having to take the stock holding screw out.(Without the SPECIAL wrench)
Most hunters don't like Special Tools to have to keep up with.:)