Savage 110E series K


New member
Hey TFL,

I have this rifle chambered in 30-06. It was my dad's hunting rifle, which became mine once he passed away. I love this rifle to death, but I have been considering putting a new scope and stock on it as the ones it has now predate me (I'm 21) and it's so light the thing kicks like a mule. I am currently deciding on whether to upgrade this rifle, or consider buying a seprate 30-06 or .308, also a savage. Nostalgia is kind of setting in on upgrading my dad's rifle, but I know he'd probably want me to do whatever I wanted with it to get the performance I want with it.

If anyone could give me some advice on this matter, I'd greatly appreciate it. This rifle is great for hunting, but I'd like to be able to take on my buddies in some long-distance fun as well. I can post pictures of it if necessary/desired.

Thanks in advance.
In 10 years will you be disappointed in not having the rifle in factory form? Or 15 or 20 if you have children to pass it on?

Personally I think we overvalue sentiment in these decisions. I say this despite having my grandfathers old .32 on the wall.
There are ways to help reduce felt recoil without substantially altering our dad's rifle. You could try a recoil reducer in the stock or a sorbthane type recoil pad.

I have several of my Dad's guns and also am hesitant to modify them. They are good reminders of him and how he liked his guns set up. I have however changed scopes and rings on two rifles but I still have his old scopes in case my son wants to put them back as they were.
One of my target rifles in 30-06 has a light hunter thumb hole stock.

I just put a Kick Eeze on the back and I can shoot 50 rounds a session just fine (and that is added to the same number of 308 and 7.5 Swiss)

The K-31 has a slip on butt pad, the Savage 7.5 has the KickEeze.

What I can tell you is that to be competitive in shooting, you will need a Varmint contour barrel. The K series probably has a heavier than the pencil barrel now but its not intended for target work and will heat up pretty fast.

I would consider putting the Kick Eeeze on the 06 and buy a Savage Target type (Law enforcement, Long Rang Hunter) etc for the target work.

We ran into that with my Dads 1903 Sporter, though in our case the barrel chamber was gone (corrosion).

We replaced the barrel, kept the stock he and my brother had done for it (light as it is) I use the slip on butt pad to shoot it, we did scope it (our eyes are not so good anymore).

Idea was to leave as much of the original as possible.

In your case the Butt Pad and maybe a scope job. As you get older the iron sights go fast and then?

Honor it with a good USA made scope, Leopold would be good, the Redfield Revolution is a solid hunting scope and cost is around $200 for the 3-12.

I value such things as well, but when my Dad's Savage 110 came my way, I changed the scope and rings, as they were just awful,.... a cheap Tasco 4x and goofy Ironsighter see-thru rings. When I put sleek Burris low rings on the rifle and a better Leupold scope, I removed sights and filled the holes with filler screws. I kept the wood stock too, those dings and scratches were from Dad's hunts, I can just hear him griping after the the bad one on the right forearm. It's actually a pretty nice piece of walnut.....not birch.

I made a similar change on my Grandad's M88 Winchester. Better scope and rings. Dad had put the old Bushnell Banner 4x on it when I was a kid. Close to 50 yrs later, it was largely unuseable (the scope). The scope was held on with Weaver rings with the super big slotted screw head on the side, REALLY ugly. A set of Burris rings and a Leupold cleaned up the old lever rifle too.

So, for the OP, I can rationalize a sight/scope change/upgrade to improve performance. I think I would keep the wood stock for sentimental reasons and to maintain the general appearance and character. Changing to some type of synthetic stock will likely not make the '06 less of a kicker, and may make it worse. As mentioned, I would explore some type of better recoil pad, like a Kick-eeze.

Two other thoughts:
1) I would not try and make your Dad's Sav 110 something it is not. It is a sporter, a hunting rifle. The scope/rings combo I'd pick would reflect that. If you want a long range rig, a heavy barrel .223/6.5/ .308 seems more the ticket. Savage makes some good ones at fair prices. Some type of clickable/external turrert scope with 10x power or more will complete the package for a long range rig.

2) If the wood stock is just an absolute trainwreck, I mean trashed, you might consider refinishing same. Even the birch stocks sand down and restain pretty well. It would still be your Dad's rifle, you just improved it's looks.
I have a limbsaver slip on pad on my 30 06 and 270 . 22 .00 at wallmart

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Will it really affect the sentimental value to have a nice recoil pad properly installed? It wouldn't for me.
My solution with the 1903 was the slip on.

Its still can and does go out to hunt, just sans the slip on. We target shoot it more than anything.

Of course they don't make a pad for that though the Keek Eeeze is designed to be worked into shape.

Just my take but hunting you never feel the recoil or hear the shot. Min ium mods of possible.

But also do what's practical.

As noted, a junker scope and rings is of no sentiment.

The stock on the 1903 is a one off never to be duplicated. That I don't want to mod. They did a hell of a job on it. It survived a week submerge in the ocean (yea bad times but you pick up and keep going)

So for that gun, replace anything but the stock. Don't touch the stock.

Despite it being light, setup and all that, you can shoot 1 1/4 inch groups with it. More than good enough for that gun. Amazing actually.

But again each is unique and address it on its merits and needs and the feelings involved.

I would also consider getting a main line target gun and shoot the family gun some. Hated to replace the barrel on my dads but no choice. They do wear out with enough rounds through em.

Stock depends on what it is and if there is personal work gone into it.
How much does the "slip-on" pad change the length of pull? LOP can be an issue. If you are shooting 180 gr. bullets try dropping to 150's. That should help some.
A thin strap-on shoulder pad?
My .308 carbine had excessive muzzle jump every time it was fired. So I shipped it to Magna-Port in Michigan where they formed 4 slots near the muzzle. The blueing was not affected at all. Result: no more muzzle jump plus reduced recoil as well. Cost was about $135.

Remington offers Managed Recoil ammo for your 30-06 which is worth a try.

I've had very good luck with a Bushnell model 3200 scope. Optics are bright and crisp yet cost is less than $175. I like this scope a lot!

How much does the "slip-on" pad change the length of pull? LOP can be an issue. If you are shooting 180 gr. bullets try dropping to 150's. That should help some.
A thin strap-on shoulder pad?

About an inch, I have added KickEeeze that do same thing, a bit of scope adjustment and I am good.

Tried the slip on pad, pain to keep where needed and not effective.
Hunting rifles are lightweight for a reason....
Target rifles are heavy (stocks, barrels) for a reason as well.
Each is designed with their primary use as the main consideration. In between the lightweight "mountain" rifle and the benchrest rifle are where most rifles fall- they're all compromises, based on the intended use(s) of the owner and percentage make-up of each.

Felt recoil is best reduced by adding weight (as in, a heavier wood laminate or composite stock) or a muzzle brake. A quality pad like a Limbsaver helps, but not like five extra pounds or a brake will.

My suggestion is to get the muzzle threaded/timed for a brake which will solve your felt recoil issue while minimizing alteration to the rifle.

I'm fitting a Tikka T3 Lite in .300 Win Mag (talk about one of the lightest, hardest-hitting rifles you could dream up) right now with an APA Micro-Bastard brake to make it manageable for the owner.
I have most of my Dad's rifles and they are staying the way I got them, even with the 100 year old stocks.

I would keep your's the way it was received and go get something else.

I had a Rem M700 in 30-06. No one could shoot it more than 4 shots. Bad stock design. It was the only Remington bolt action that I ever had. It has been gone for quite a while.
Something to consider is how much heavy clothing do you wear when hunting. That a lot different that a summer range session wearing a t- shirt. And shooting from a bench is not recoil friendly at all.
That's part of my point, you won't feel it hunting, only on the bench.

Felt recoil is best reduced by adding weight (as in, a heavier wood laminate or composite stock) or a muzzle brake. A quality pad like a Limbsaver helps, but not like five extra pounds or a brake will.

I disagree. My guns are 12 lbs+ and I still put Kick Eeze deeper pads on them.

As noted, bench work is different than free standing, more like prone, you get the entire brunt into the shoulder without the sock absorber of your body.

Weight helps, the most help is a recoil pad. Granted I am talking serious shooing where 150 rounds of 308/7/5 and 30-06 going down range is normal day for me.
A lot has to do with what stock pop put on it. (And it's barrel length.) It synthetic? Easily(and reasonably priced. About $130.) replaced with a Boyd's to add a bit of weight. Plus a recoil system. Least expensive type is a Pachmayr slip on. (Mine was on a 1903A4 that even when I bought it 35 years ago, I didn't want to wreck.)
The time of year makes a difference too. No shooting in just a T-shirt during deer season. Or during September(depending on where you are) when you're sighting in and practicing shooting off hand at a 9" pie plate at 100 yards.
The other thing is the ammo you're using. Heavy bullets mean more felt recoil. A 165 will kill any game in North America without a lot of excess recoil.
Current versions of the 110 in .30-06 weigh in at 9 pounds with a wood stock. So what your's weighs needs to be compared with that.
Lots of excellent answers have already been given about how to reduce recoil if you choose to go that route.

Let me add a thought by giving my perspective as an "old guy", who has more years behind him than in front of him. One day my family and friends will inherit all my firearms. What they choose to do with them does not matter to me in the least. However the one thing I would hope they do is to enjoy shooting them if they decide to keep them.

My point is that if they needed to replace a stock, change out sights, triggers, or other parts to make one of my guns more practical to shoot I hope they do that. Not keep something solely as is because that is how I set it up, or how I liked it.

