savage 110 rebarrel question


i recently got a savage 110 in 270win i want to know if it could be re barreled to a 6.5 06 and what else would have to be done to it or if not what can it be re barreled too. looking for a wildcat so to speak thanks in advance for the help
With a Savage, it's as easy as he made it sound! Just take off the old, put on the new, adjust to perfection. Since 6.5-06 and .270Win are both off of the 30-06 case, they use the same bolt head.

Good call on the 6.5-06, btw... I am starting to fall madly in love with the 6.5s...
Nope, you may need to look elsewhere, it sounds like whoever you are shopping with doesn't have it right now. The 6.5-284 is (I think) a 284 Win necked down, about as long as a .308, but fatter. The 6.5-06 is a 30-06 necked down to 6.5/.264. Much longer.
I don't know anyone that stocks 6.5-06 barrels for the Savage. You'll probably have to decide how much you want to pay for the replacement barrel. ER Shaw will probably be the cheapest one that you can buy. McGowen, Pac-Nor, Shilen, and many others will make the barrel for you.
Do You Handload ?

You could save some money by going 25-06 , there's only .007" difference in bore diameter ! Then commercial ammo is available . Are you a hand loader , I'm thinking you aren't , because of your question ?
i am a hand loader just wasnt sure what it took to make the gun or if id have to adjust the action. even tho theres only .007 difference in the bore the 6.5 06 offers better b.c. and i can get a better range of bullets imo if i want to go under a 100gr bullet i got my 223 and 204 for it
there's only .007" difference in bore diameter !

Actually there is FAR MORE than a simple 0.007" difference in diameter...

The 6.5 has a far larger selection of bullet weights and types.

These bullets are easily found in weights from 85g to 140-142g plus weights of 160g are common. Common .25 caliber bullets run out about 120g.

As someone else said, these bullets usually have a far better BC.

When it comes to match bullets only the .224" and .308" have a larger or more diverse selection.

There is a theoretical advantage to the 6.5 family for the dedicated target shooter.
But unless I was determined to go straight to 1000 yard competition, if I had a good .270 I would just feed it Berger 150 VLDs until the barrel wore out. THEN rebarrel 6.5 with some experience under my belt.
I'm NOT a 270 fan nor even slightly tolerant of that cartridge. The only real advantage with the 6.5/06 over the 25/06 is at longer range than most can shoot accurately or on game bigger than 250-300#. In that case, the original 30/06 is likely better than either.