Savage 110 info


New member
I recently picked up a model 110 Savage in 30/06 and it has a Bushnell Banner 4 by 12 by 40 Ao scope with the Savage rings and bases. The gun is in excellent condition and has the hardwood stock. It doesn't have the pillar bedding and the barrel is not floating. I paid $250.00 at a pawn shop and had to do some cleaning and setup but now the rifle looks respectable. Is the rifle ok with the stock as is or will I need to tweak it for optimum accuracy? Is the scope and rings that I described decent? Thanks for any help! I might add that the reason I chose a Savage was due the the experience of using a friends time worn 110 chambered in .270 in the same configuration and harvested a nice doe and a decent six point buck with that rifle. I bought the '06 because of the range of loads available.:)
I have a Savage Model 10 Short-Action in .308 and I love it. Sounds like you have an older rifle since it's not pillared. I wouldn't worry too much about the pillars since glass-bedding the action would serve the same purpose. Take a wooden dowel slightly larger than the barrel groove in the stock, wrap medium-grit sandpaper around it and open up the channel just enough to slide a dollar bill from the muzzle end of the barrel back to the receiver.
It's easy enough to pillar-bed. I'd do that instead of just glassbedding, though glassbedding served me well for many years.

I make my own pillars from old .22LR barrels about 5/8" in diameter. It's easy to drill them out and to rough up the exterior to help the Acraglas grab them better. I leave them a few thousanths short of the action, so the glass can fill the void perfectly. Just be sure to put a couple of layers of tape under the recoil plate when bedding, then remove it to keep the action from rocking on it when tightened down.

Shoot it before you do anything. You may not need to bed and float. Yeah, yeah, I can hear the mob screaming "heretic". Seriously, you bought an old used rifle. Are you looking for "optimum" accuracy or ultimate accuracy? Savage rifles built their reputation for accuracy using the (as called by many) cheap, ugly hardwood stock, not floated, not glass or pillar bedded. Shoot it, and find out what it does. Then if you are not satisfied start throwing money at it (or do it yourself).
You could have got both a floated barrel and pillar bedding, plus the accu-trigger by spending a little more and buying brand new. No guarantee that it would shoot any better than than what you have now.
The Bushnell that you have is generally an all-right scope. Question is, will it work for you, in the way in which you intend to use the rifle. If you hunt in a forested area where the range will be close it has more magnification than you need. Remember that when you up the x's, you also shrink the field of view, and the amount of light available to your eye. Try the scope where you hunt, when you hunt (open fields, woods, dawn and dusk, midday) you may find it works for you, or maybe not.


p.s. I own 3 Savages, none of which have had anything other than trigger adjustment done, yes you can adjust the old trigger.
Thanks for the replies! I intend to hunt here in the piedmont area of northeastern N.C. and will have shots that could range out to 300 yrds. I will shoot the rifle and if it is close to minute of angle ,I'll be happy. I bought it to hunt with and do not intend to try to make a benchrest rifle out of it. Like you said, bergie, and I'll paraphrase, "if it ain't broke, it don't need fixin":) .
Also check to see if the barrel is free floating or not. My Model 111 in 30-06 is and the only thing that I have done to it since it left the factory is put a better scope on to it. Then shot it to see if you will need to do anything else to it. Mine from the factory will print under an inch all day long in fact just about a month before deer season is when I put the other scope unto it and after getting it sighted in I put 7 rounds under an inch almost under 3/4" at 100 yards. This was the last 7 rounds I had with me at the time. There was no waiting for the barrel to cool down as I shot them as fast as I could work the action and get sighted back in on the target.
:D Congradulations! You have bought one of the best rifles on the market! Although I agree with one of the previous comments. You probably could paid a little more and gotten a brand new one. But thats beside the point. The 110 was the base model for the 10FP and the 110FP. The only difference is the 10 is a short action and both FP's have heavy barrels. I have a 110 in .270. And its a tack driver. Shoots 1 moa. I would shoot it and see what is does. If it has that big of a scope I would assume that the previous owner enjoyed some long rang shooting. But find out. Also you are going to have to go through a couple of different boxes of ammo. Unless you reload. Congrats! And enjoy your new rifle.;)