Savage 11 Trophy in 308 ?


New member
Who has one and can tell me about the stock, trigger and accuracy ?
I have the chance to buy one like new in the box with a Nikon 3-9 and only 40 rounds through it scope for $400.00. Private seller so no tax
I have an 11 Weather Warrior, with Accustock and Accutrigger, in 260. 2.5# Trigger and aluminum bedding is far up the forend. Shoots 1/2" and I'm immensely satisfied.
You have to be more specific.

There are a number of Trophy labeled Savages.

Accuracy depends partly on the barrel, heavier it is the better.

You can get a Cabellla Only Savage 12FV for $319 right now in 308

It has the acu trigger (I believe all of the trophy version do as w2ell) it has a Varmint contour barrel.

No scope but that's a low cost scope in the package.

As its the older type withy the segmented nut and top bolt release its a good candidate for upgrades.
I got the trophy hunter package with the Nikon Prostaff 3-9 on it in 2013 in .308. It is ok. The rifle is very light and has become my walking around rifle in deer and bear season. The stock is flimsy but servicable. The magazine feels cheap but I have had no issues at all in 1000++ rounds through the rifle. Accuracy is so so which I suspect is due to the stock somewhat. It is very picky about projectiles. Some combinations average 3moa or worse. The rifle has been a 2 to 2.5 moa shooter over all. Best accuracy for me has been achieved with sierra 165 sp gk's and Berger 168 VLDs. They stay around an inch and a half at 100. 400 seems fair for the package. Maybe I have a lemon or maybe I expect to much but my Weatherby Vaguard deluxe shoots circles around this rifle. Even the old Winchester 88 fairs better in the accuracy department. Your mileage may vary.
My feeling with Savage in general is the very light barrels on many models are just too light and cannot perform.

If you can find a round that does 1.5 inches then you are doing fine for hunting.

I had one in 270 that was inconsistent on the first shot of all things (first for me, usually its two on and then the third may wander). It would throw it up and to the left.

Next two side by side, after that, forget it (until fully cooled off)

Plastic stocks are ok in the under 308 and short actin calibers. 6.,5 would do fine I think. 270, 30-06, 308 would long term not do well.

But if its a low cost package and you can do 1.5 inches for hunting, its fine.

Just don't expect that 1 MOA myth.

Heavier barrel Savage models do much better, never in a package though. Scope and rings are extra.
A Savage wouldn't be my 1st choice, but there is nothing at all wrong with them. One thing is for sure I wouldn't want to be standing near RC20 or jersuf101 during a thunderstorm. They seem to have terrible luck.

Savage barrels are just as thick as any other sporter weight barrel, they are all within a few 1/1000's of an inch. Savage, as do most other manufacturers, makes a heavy barrel rifle for target shooting, but the weight is too cumbersome for a hunting rifle.

Barrels heavier than standard are no more accurate, it might be easier for the shooter to hold it steady from a rest, but you can get the same accuracy. Some very thin barrels may give worse accuracy after they get really hot, but even those shoot as well as the target barrels for a few rounds.

Plastic stocks have proven to be at least as accurate as wood. And far, far more consistent. That myth died years ago.

One of the secrets to building an accurate rifle is getting the action, bolt, and barrel aligned correctly during assembly. With most rifles that means precision machining and fitting. Years ago Savage pioneered a floating bolt head and barrel nut to assemble the barrel to action. This ensured that everything lines up properly with much less attention to precise manufacturing. It means very consistent accuracy and a rifle that can be built for less money. Not necessarily any better than another rifle that is put together precisely. But you almost never get a Savage that shoots poorly.

Modern CNC machines have made it possible to build rifles with more traditional methods that will be just as accurate. And I simply prefer some other brands. But if walking into a gun shop wanting the most accuracy for the dollar my money would still be on a Savage.

Some guns that come as a package have cheap throw away scopes. But the Nikon on the one you're looking at is a decent $200 scope. At $400 with no tax I'd buy it.
Guns have gotten much lighter barrel than they used to.

Savage is no exception.

I have had two of their pencil barrels.

Neither one would shoot even half way decently (close to MOA let alone MOA or under)

The 30-06 was at least consistent for two shots, not a third let alone cooling off.

The 270 as noted throws high and to the left on a cold barrel and then two shots 1.5 inches down and to the right.

Ok for hunting but I never had a barrel pattern that way before.

So no I am not impressed with thin Savage barrels and I don't know how well others do.

The Heavy Savage barrel did pattern well and I got good groups out of it.

So yes I contend the heavy barrel is more consistent and therefore can be accurate and sometimes quite accurate.

And yes, if I have a good load I can shoot under 1/2 MOA.
I have a Savage 10 fcp-sr 6.5 creedmoor and it is the most accurate rifle I own. Upon unboxing, as I looked it over, I checked the action screws and found them to be quite loose. I torqued them to 60 ft/lbs, mounted my scope and headed out to the range. At 100 yds I was shooting 1/4 moa. The barrel on this model is a heavy flute. Although I am not a huge fan of the Accustock it seems not to effect the accuracy at all. I have had much success at stretching this rifle out past 800 yds without any issues. I am currently in the market for a chasis upgrade but as of yet have not decided which way to go.
Rebs I don't know about the model 11 but I'll offer you this: If the rifle has the Savage Accustock and Accutrigger it should be more than accurate enough if hunting is its intended purpose. The scope is a lower end Nikon but I got a 116 a few years back with one on it and to tell you the truth the scope was much better than I expected it to be. Its adjustments were spot on and I never lost zero with it. I finally replaced that scope this year but I gave the Nikon to my son to use as he was in need of one. As for the price, I'm not so sure that is a deal. I've seen model 11's on sale here in big box stores for less, not including tax and other CA "fees" included of course.