Saturday turkey...dumb one......


New member
Last Saturday morning Yul and I ran into the dumbest, or maybe the most sex starved turkey ever.

After parking the trucks and seeing Louann off ( she wanted nothing to do with the turkeys so wandered off in the other direction with her rifle looking for pigs. ) Yul and I set off down a LONG road on the lease.

The road is straight as a arrow with mostly thick vegetation on both sides. Our plan was to walk a ways, let Yul call a few times and then listen. Yul did the calling because we wanted whatever noise we were making to at least sound somewhat like a turkey, which it would not if I was doing it.

We'd gone about 3/4 mile when 300 or so yards in front of us a turkey walked into the road where upon we FROZE waiting for it to move off so we could set up and call.

After a minute it got close enough to one side to where Yul could slip off to my right into the ditch. As he did he set the decoy in the road about 10 feet behind me and to my right.

Me, I'm still stone still in the road watching the turkey, which Yul no longer can see from the ditch.

Over the next 20 minutes I stood frozen, except for VERY slowly slipping one finger into my right ear, as Yul coaxed that bird down the road.

I guess the bird figured I was a tree because he just kept coming......and when he got about 35 yards out Yul popped him.

Go figure......

And he looks so bad ( Not Yul, even though he ain't much to look at either! ) because he flopped into the water before he expired.....kept us from getting a good picture.

Not a very bright bird.........

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Great, kill all the dumb ones and in a couple hundred thousand years turkeys will be smarter than any hunter.

Shoot the smart ones first.
Dang......somehow the story did not make it in the original post........which says a lot about.......well......good thing there are dumb turkeys!!!
You think that's bad, go to a turkey farm during a rainstorm and ask the farmer why he has to put them inside. They tell it better than I ever can.
atta boy

Congrats to you and Yul. I've had WAY to many turkeys that I should have killed, get away, feel very bad about shooting a dumb one now and again.

Our season opened Mon, and Mon PM I had a bird inside 20 yds and knew I was going home with him. I shifted my weight, ever so slightly, and that bird blew out of there like a quail. No putts, wing shuffle, bob and weave, he was gone........sometimes you wonder how you ever kill one.

Weather has been awful here...I did not hunt today.....and could have, which says a ton about how bad it was.

Again, good for you guys, hope you can hunt plenty and get action.