SASS membership?


New member
im finaly going to join one of my sisters is going to get my membership for me as a birthday present(sending me the money to do it ) my question is what is the best way to go about it should i call or order off the web site ? i read some were awhile ago that the web site orders took longer or somthing to that affect problem is im normaly not anywere that i could call during there bussniess hours but which would be the quickest easyest method to join ?

I joined on the web and it went extremely well I thought. Given you are in the Eastern time zone and they in the Pacific they are three hours behind you time wise if that helps.
Poker Alice is the little gal that takes care of the new applications and is quite good.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Howdy Zip,

When I joined I did it over the phone. They were able to tell me right then if my chosen alias was available. Make sure you have several choices incase your first pick has already been taken. Just gave them my credit card number for the fee and I was set. Only took about 5 minutes.

Angel Diamond
Ditto what Angel said. I joined just two years ago over the phone. I had my list of alias and credit card all ready. Luckily, I got my first pick in names. Whole process took ten minutes. Very friendly and efficient staff in the SASS office. Good Luck.
Angel Diamond: Love your home page. Guess what we are SASS cousins. That's right me and the misses are Ned Roundtree, SASS #16565 and Wild Horse Annie, SASS #16566. Pretty close SASS numbers to yours...Ned
well i did it i happened to actuly be home when i could just call so i did very fast i didnt even have to go past my first alis choice say hello to Georgia Jake #29,252

Howdy Georgia Jake,

Welcome to SASS!! I know folks who have SASS numbers over 30,000,so I'm kinda surprised you got one below that.

BTW,if you're up for the drive,the Cherokee Cowboys match this month will probably be our largest monthly match yet. We're expecting nearly 150 shooters,including some of our pards from NC and Fla. We'll have a real chuckwagon serving breakfast and lunch,and we'll be trying out some of the neat props that are being tested for Mule Camp. Hope to see you on the 18th! :)

Bellicose Bill
yeah the number suprised me too the lady said that they cleand up the warehouse some and found some avilible lower nums so she would give me one of those go figure? ill get with you by e-mail on the other for some more
