Sarah Brady's press release on the LA shootings

Futo Inu

New member
I know you wanted to read this:

For Immediate Release


"What can anyone say about children almost too young to walk escaping their daycare center, holding hands with armed police officers? In the last 16 months, we have also watched Columbine students, Jonesboro students, Springfield students and, for that matter, Atlanta day-traders running away from average, everyday places that became killing fields for madmen with guns.
"Here's what we can say. The suspect is once again a mentally deranged gunman, this time with ties to the most noxious, hate-filled, un-American groups in our society. As a convicted felon and someone who may have been adjudicated mentally ill by a court, it appears that Buford Furrow was a prohibited purchaser. He may not have been able to buy a new assault weapon in a licensed gun store, but…

He may have bought his weapon, which may be an older 'grandfathered' assault weapon, at a gun show or from any 'private dealer.' Washington State has no laws requiring background checks on private sales at gun shows or regulating secondary sales. Many gun shows sell white supremacist, Nazi and/or militia literature right alongside assault weapons with large ammunition magazines.

Although firearms manufactured since 1994 can legally hold no more than 10 bullets, and although it is illegal to hunt most animals with more than 10 bullets, a booming trade still exists in ammunition magazines which can hold up to 50 or 60 bullets. Many newer rifles, including the Bushmaster identified as Furrow's weapon, can hold older clips with enough ammunition to blow away a small army - or at least a daycare center. The Bushmaster catalog enthusiastically offers these pre-ban magazines on its website.

Since gunowners are licensed in only a few American states, revoking or suspending the license of a gunowner who was 'normal and law-abiding' at the time of purchase, but is later known to be dangerous or unstable, is practically impossible. Just like Mark Barton in Atlanta, Furrow was obviously a psychological risk. But, although a driver's license can be revoked for any number of reasons, there is no comparable procedure for ensuring that felons and other prohibited buyers do not retain firearms.
"More than 100 days have elapsed since the shooting at Columbine High School and Congress has done nothing to forestall future shootings. In fact, Congress is now on recess. How many more children must be killed or injured before Congress acts? Do we require a tragedy in each of the House's 435 districts before some progress is made? At the very least, Congress should pass the Senate's gun control package out of conference as soon as it returns. It should then turn its attention to what more needs to be done - including the licensing and registration of firearms - to forestall the shootings that will now come with depressing regularity."
Gee, thanks, Futo.

I already have a toothache. Now it's worse due to the clenched jaw.

So who do I sue? ;)

Oh, BTW: Shouldn't someone advise Ms. Brady that the community center now has ARMED GUARDS?
A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited August 11, 1999).]
A number of things occur to me, first, she managed to cover all of the currently "hated", "evil" items ... Large Magazines, unregulated gun show sales, etc... Secondly, her comment about suspending a drivers license is actually quite appropriate. Down in San Diego (and other aprts of California) police have on occassion set up "sting" operations where they will sit outside traffic court. When someones' license is revoked or suspended, they are informed almost immediately, and watch for that person (who *usually* comes out, climbs in thier car, and drives home!) to drive home and then arrest them (again.)

My point; If you create a license that can be suspended, people will still use thier firearms. Just like those people that are still driving thier cars after suspension of a drivers license.

Bah! All this is hogwash. We need to go on the offensive, either rhetorically, or physically. Somehow, we need to take this to the streets and convince the *people* that we are right.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>the Bushmaster identified as Furrow's weapon[/quote]

i thought it was an uzi...

Not to change the subject, but did Sarah have anything to say about John Hinckley recently getting a furlough from the institution he's been living at since he shot her husband?

Not that I've seen. Besides, it wouldn't be gracious to go after Hinckley. Afterall, he made her one of the most powerful women in the US

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
One report I read said he had a Bushmaster in his van. Why did he use a handgun when he had a rifle in his van? Maybe because he's nuts? The families of those kids should be glad he had guns; they'd be dead if he waited outside and rammed them with the van.

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 11, 1999).]
One thing my Grandfather said to me when I was little. Was to take a criminal out in the woods, set him on a tree stump, nail his nuts to the stump, and tip him over backwards then shoot him.

Even that is to good for this monster!
the largest cap mag i've ever seen for my ar is the 120 rd beta-mag
how many of you know of any army with only 120 soldier? even small armies are bigger than that.
Also, i don't think its illegal for people who are affilitated with a 'hate' organization to own guns. The beauty of this country is that our gun laws don't discriminate against civilians unless they has criminal records or mental health records.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Yeah, and it *used* to be a beautiful thing in this country that you weren't made a felon for what you had in your heart, but rather what you did. You knew you would answer to a higher authority for what you had in your heart (hate?) if you believed in that, but now, your not simply a bad person for killing, but if you belong to certain groups, you're a *really* bad person.

I don't condone, nor participate in any of these "hate groups", but when someone preaches that we all need to be tolerant of other's views and beliefs, yet I am condemed for my beliefs (which used to be mainstream) I call that hypocracy.

Christ said that you are a murderer if you simply hate someone. By that definition, aren't we all murderers, and to extend that, aren't all murders crimes of hate? what makes one murder worse than the other? The victim is still dead! or the Synogog is still burnt! The only circumstance I think calls for harsher punishment is if the death was purposely drawn out. Torture or some such. It *all* stems from hate!

Even the gun-grabbers crime of attempting to violate (attempting, hah!) the second amendment is motivated by hate, through fear. They fear the free man, and have grown to hate him in his freedom, there for the item that makes him free must be removed.

[rant mode OFF]
Show your neighbors you love them, buy a gun - RKBA!
dZ, I too noticed that slip. A Bushmaster Uzi, eh? Well, we all knew from the beginning that the point was to describe the firearm in a demonizing way so that it would fit their political agenda.

Note her comment: "It should then turn its attention to what more needs to be done - including the licensing and registration of firearms - to forestall the shootings that will now come with depressing regularity. (emphasis added) Does anyone else find the certainty of this statement rather interesting? Sure, we can all regret the potential for further such violence, and many of us fully expect the media to aid in this depressing possibility. But to say 'that will come with depressing regularity'? So, why do these shootings now come with depressing regularity? All of us know it is not the number of firearms in our society. That is so obviously bogus. Since violence stat's are actually down, is this a matter of the media just helping Sarah's words come true via their emphasis on any such events?

This guy was supposed to be in jail. Didn't you catch that one or are you too busy fighting against the wrong people?

maybe it was a bushmaster assault rifle or that pistol type thing, I think its all the arm pistol. oh wait no it couldn't be they were outlawed in cali as part of the 89 ban. at least the assult rifle was.
I hate stupid people.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Good point! Jeff!

I particularly enjoyed the equating of a small army with a daycare center. Is she refering to the "vertically challenged" in both cases?

Here's another woman to despise.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Anyone notice the Sarah Brady had not one word of condolence or sorrow. Her kind don't give a d-mn about the kids, they only hope for more killing to help get their laws passed. The gun control people weep and cryon TV, but they are really the coldest, hardest, most fanatically dedicated people in the country.

i was wondering if the bushmaster point is being made because Bush was being represented in maine by the president of Bushmaster...

most people can tell the difference between a m-16 and an uzi


AR-15 assault rifle taken from the alleged gunman in the shooting at the North Valley Jewish Community Center was assembled piecemeal, with the central shooting portion coming from Bushmaster Firearms in Maine.

The Jewish center shooting is not the first time Dyke's weapons have caused him trouble. Last month, Dyke resigned as the Maine campaign finance chairman for Bush because reporters raised questions about Bush enlisting the aid of someone who makes assault weapons in his bid to win the Republican presidential nomination. "I got wind that the Associated Press was going to contact me and the Bush campaign about having a 'sleazy' gun manufacturer as chairman," Dyke said. "I didn't want George to have to spend one minute defending me, because he doesn't need that problem, and I don't need it, so I resigned."
Why do bad things happen to good people?
The Chairman of BM is obviously a good guy (ever need CS) They're blaming BM cuz uppers don't come with names on them. at least I remember seeing any names on my uppers.

arg.. Sarah Brady needs to hit the range and shoot a BM so I can see someone unload 50 rd. and take out a small army.

did anyone catch her comparing the daycare center to a small army? I don't see the correlation. Small army is still a lot bigger than a Day Care center and they'll shoot back.

arg... time to get the petitions out in force, cuz you know this will lead to more law in CA, not like their is any left to ban, but I know they'll try.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
so who pumped the info about the bushmaster to HCI?

they seemed to know about it well before it was reported

the press release was out on the 11th at ~3pm
i heard about the ar on cnn at 12 noon on the 12th...

who's agenda is being served?

Thats what I would like to know, I mean with all of their disinformation that they spred. I wouldn't even think that they would research anything.