SAR K2 .45


New member
I just ordered one from PSA. I saw a few videos on You Tube, and read a few older posts here. I've had CZ-style pistols before, and have a Star 31MI right now. I liked what I saw and read, and the price was pretty good too! $429+tax+shipping.
I'll post pictures as soon as I get it. Should be about 10 days.
I am jealous also. I've had my eye on the K2 for a while. Watched it disappear from stock a while ago and figured that was the end of that. Right after I spent my money on something else, POOF, there it appeared on PSAs website. :rolleyes:
When I was eyeing these up before, if I remember correctly, they were priced in the high $300's to low $400's. The price may have come up some, but it doesn't appear to be significant. Lately, everything is a little more expensive.
I think cdnn had them for $429 even before the recent panic buying. I could be way off base though.
I bought mine a couple of years ago for $379, including shipping. I can't remember from where. I'm kicking myself for not grabbing the compact K2 45 in SS I saw someplace selling a while back for $479, I think it was. I have 3 .45 ACP semiauto guns, the K2, a Sig P220, and an EAA Witness. Yeah, the modified Sig has a better trigger, and the Witness was only $400, when I bought it, but if I had to pick one to fight with, the K2 would be it, it's as accurate as the Sig, and holds a half dozen more rounds than it does, and 4 more than the Witness. All three guns are great shooters. Other 45 ACP guns have come and gone, but these three are staying until the great sell off when I get to the point I can't shoot anymore, or shouldn't be. So far, I've not had a single issue with any Turkish made gun. Can't say that about my US, Brasil, German, or Italian guns.
It was an impulse buy. I wanted a .45, but I didn't want a polymer frame. I have many 9MMs in polymer, and the felt recoil in quite manageable, even mild. A local auction house had some SIG P220s a little while back, but I wanted more capacity.

And my birthday is coming up in 20 days.:D
I have had one for several years. Got it in a trade. It has been 100% reliable. and is my go to 45. the plus is the 15 rounds of 45 it holds. Plus I just think the double/single action style is the best and safest way to go. Only downside is its a heavy beast fully loaded. It is also very accurate.
It has been many years since I shot a .45 regularly. I bought my fiancee (now wife) a Ruger P345, and she likes it, but I'm not a fan of the design or the capacity. I bought some 10-round extended mags, but you can only load 9 or the gun has issues.
So, I picked it up today. Shout out to Randall's in Glendale AZ!
I'll upload pics as soon as I figure out how to make the file smaller.
Well, we finally got it out for a test drive yesterday. We only ran a few magazines through it, but I really like this pistol! It shot low and to the left right out of the box, but the group was acceptable for my first time with it - 6-8 inches (I didn't measure) at 15 yards. The felt recoil was less than my wife's Ruger P345, but that was to be expected. The SAR is heavier, and has the CZ-designed slide-in-frame. I admit to anticipating recoil a bit on a couple shots. Sights lined up fairly easily, but there is less purchase on the slide then I am used to. I know this is common to this slide/frame design.
Looks like I get to practice more with it!
Yes it does. SAR even included a tool to adjust them. Any small, flat screwdriver will work, but it was a nice touch.
The tool came with my K2P. I imagine it is the same sight. My K2P shot low left out of the box. It is something I've heard before with some of the Sar pistols.
Owning a Sar K2 45 has been a bitter sweet relationship. Finding a nice leather holster was impossible. Even Turkish leather makers dont make holsters for the Sar K2, at least for a practical CCW holster. Also I didn’t find the mags reliable, and had to replace with P-14 XP mag springs. Also my trigger bar broke under 1k rounds. Not reliable.