Sanyo Batteries?


New member
Okay, I am used to being able to log onto Botach and buy a bag o batteries (usually Sanyo) for my Surefire 9z.

I went over to Botach today and...nothing. No good deals on lithium batteries. Hmmm. I did a quick search elsewhere, and nothing really jumped out at me as being great deal.

Anyone know what happened? Or am I just doing my math wrong?

Coronach: Don't know about situation with Botach but I just (about a month ago) purchased 12 Sanyo Lithium 123A batteries from Electro Net Distributors for $1.88 each ($22.65/doz0 plus $6 S&H). Seemed like a good price to me. Do a search on Electronet, I think they are somewhere in Yahoo.

Regards, Jim
Thanks, thats about the price I recall (and its darned good). The best I could find was Energizer lithium, $30/dozen.

I'll check out that site.
