Santa was packing a Colt Walker this year.


I have one under the tree too. But it's waiting for a delayed Christmas gift exchange when my Kids (all grown) are able to come over to see me open it. They think I don't know about about it. They all chipped in to buy it for me.

I'm so excited too... you lucky dog!!! I still have to wait for mine!
Lucky Hombres getting New Walkers.
You'll have to get a bigger holster now and.....some of those carpenter suspenders to hold yer britches up.:eek:
Whose gonna be first to post what the chambers are compared to a lead slugged barrel groove diameter?
I'd like to know what they are running these days.
You must have been very, very good this year!

Try a few with 60 gr. charges just so you can say you did then load 45 - 50 gr and save a lot of stress on the gun. 45-50 gr is comfortable and you will not notice the difference.
Marine Sniper -- Colt Walker

I've owned a Uberti Colt Walker for several years. Good story. I was playing with it at a bench at the club. Many benches down a senior Marine was working at distance with a young Marine sniper who happened to be home on leave. The elder Marine noticed I was playing with my Colt Walker. A couple minutes later the elder Marine walked up to my bench with the young fellow in tow. I was in the middle of loading my Colt Walker, I smiled and said/waived go ahead and watch. I'm now loaded up. The three (3) of us chatted about the black powder revolver.

I stepped to the line taking a first shot with the Colt Walker. Then, turned to the young Marine sniper offering him the revolver. He took it and emptied the remaining rounds. THE FREAKING SMILE ON THAT YOUNG MARINES FACE WAS SOMETHING TO BEHOLD !! He loved that experience. Both gentlemen thanked me for the experience -- two great guys !!


David :)

ps-- What a gun !!
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David I love stories like that!!

I shoot Dragoons at CAS and I shoot a Sharps clone upon occasion. They both get lookie loos staring the finish off the guns.

When I offer them a chance to shoot them, the line forms quickly! (not actually a line per se, but you know what I mean). I never have to offer twice!

The look on their faces is quite rewarding.
You know, the only drawback to my Walker is that the barrel is too lo..... nah, that's not it.
It's too hea....... nah, that's not it either.
It eats too much po.... nah, not a problem.

...... um, thinking on it deeper now..... there is no drawback to a Walker! :D:D
I love em!
You know of course that the Walker is the most powerful handgun ever issued to the US Army until the advent of the 357 mag.

I could be wrong but I don't think Walkers were ever issued. I think they had to be purchased by the user. Not an army pistol but carried by the Texas Rangers. Only 1000 were produced. Sixty-some originals are known to exist.

I could stand corrected on this, there are many here that know a ton more than I on this topic.
