Santa Fe Trail Rendezvous

It opened today (June 12) but the actual matches begin tomorrow and run until the 18th. Not knowing this, I brought a smokepole expecting to participate in the Trail Walk. Nope. They just finished setting it up when we got there (about 4 pm). Anyway, we attended the informal opening ceremony where they raised a 13 star American flag. Since I don't follow the news, I assumed some states either merged or seceded. Anyway, I'll go back tomorrow to do the Trail Walk.

Go to for more information. They also have a facebook page out there.

See you there!
I was the only one running around with a rifle today. Everyone else was getting their tent/campsite set up. Of course, off to the side away from the traditional area was a modern tent and some tin teepees on wheels.

BTW, there were a few slobs of which yours truly was among them. Modern clothes and shoes, hats and sunglasses.
Took me awhile to figure out what a Tin Teepee was...:D
Foolzrushin - you know better than to ask whether tomahawk and knife equipped mountain men can do body work. I suppose stretching rawing hide and sewing it with sinew can hold parts together, but it'll look like h*ll. :D
Well, I messed up yesterday and only fired five shots along the trail walk. Kept missing until after the fourth shot, noticed that my rear sight was over to the left. On the fifth shot I aimed to the right and nailed the target. But that wasn't what was bad. Rather, the lock kept shifting outward on the stock everytime I attempted to cock it. I'll probably have to fill in the lock mortise with Acraglas to stabalize it.

Anyway, if you have time, they've got numerous matches. I also managed to buy a ramrod for a squirrel rifle I've been working on. The one I bought at the Ben Avery was way too big but the one at the Santa Fe was perfect. Also got to speak with a woman who did beadwork (Glynda) and asked her about womens' purses and the clasps for them. The reason I asked is that John Francisco's (Francisco Fort in La Veta, CO) possibles bag was modified from a purse. The claspon the bag used by Francisco dates back to the 18th Century. Not being a purse type of guy, I didn't know that stuff until I spoke with Glynda.
useless tip of the day

Whether you fire only one shot or fifty, you still have to clean your smokepole so after the Rendevous it was cleaning time. Now, I normally throw the cotton cleaning patches into the fireplace when they're done. Then it dawned on me that they're cotton and can be washed but even more importantly, that they are a good source for char cloth! So, after allowingthem to dry, they were placed into a musket cap tin and at some future date after a hole is punched into the tin top, will be tossed into the fire. The circular Altoid tins would also work well but are a bit big for the 45 cal patches that I use for cleaning. Space is at a premium if you play mountain man. Mebbe I should go into the char cloth bizness. :rolleyes:
Char cloth business ?

I've been using cleaning patches or monk's cloth to make char for years. I use an old cookie tin and make quite a bit of it at a time (smells awful) over a hot plate at home. I seal it all up in old jars and keep it a iround for when I need it, but unfortunately when ever I need's all gone! Friends come by and need some here and there and by the time they are done I'm out again. Couldn't get a nickel out of them for it, but that's what friends are for....doing things for each other.
I get a file now and then and make up some strikers, and the same thing happens there....along with some good Texas flint chunks.