Santa Barbara to ban Sat. Nite Specials tonite

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Moderator Emeritus
The City of Santa Barbara City Council will vote tonight to ban the sale of "Sat. Night Specials".

Why is this significant? SB has an annual homicide rate of 10...10 homicides by any means. The City Council admits this law is merely symbolic and will do nothing to decrease their homicide rate.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Maybe the city council is merely symbolic and it will do nothing to decrease their stupidity index.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
So, what do they consider an Saturday Night Special? Do they have any criteria? A list, perhaps? Are they just pissing in the wind? (hint: yes.)
Roughly, any economical small caliber. I haven't seen their list yet. Will let you know later today, its only 5:30 am :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
So, what they are really saying is that law abiding citizens must spend more money when purchasing a pistol for self-defense...good grief!
They put off the vote til the end of the month. Turns out the County of SB is considering a county-wide ban if it goes thru in the city.
Its the same old arguement...."Studies show that Sat. Nite Specials are the guns of choice for criminals".

[This message has been edited by DC (edited March 03, 1999).]
So, the lesson continues to be, buy all the guns you can conceive of needing, because we cannot trust our so-called leaders.
I thought the firearm of choice for the discerning criminal was the high capacity, large caliber semiautomatic pistols? Or maybe it was the machineguns? Or the "assault weapons"? Seems that whatever weapon they have targeted is the "criminals' weapon of choice."
Don't you know, studies show that the preferred weapons of criminals are Colt SAA's and H&R Toppers in .410? You DIDN'T?
I was in one of the CID offices last week and I thumbed through a folder that had all of the firearm confiscations for the year of 1996 in a major city. The list was mostly sub-9mm caliber autos and .38 or .22 revolvers. There were a few (2-3%) cut down shotguns, and another 5% long guns. Most of the rifles were SKS's or lever actions.

Most confiscations were made form vehicles or during domestic altercations. There were very few .45s and I noticed a couple 10mm Autos.

I was shocked at the relative lack of 9mm Paras. Probably less than 10%.

I didn't notice one "assault rifle" (unless you count the SKS's), but there were a great many "sat. night special" type guns.
Oh, Mort, Mort, Mort. Dang it. That's not 'till NEXT week!

Then air guns and spring guns. Then cap pistols, etc.

We will save the world, "for the children".

Gag. Choke. (Foreign Body Airway Obstruction...)
This whole thing is a pre-emptive move. Remember..10 homocides last year, not 10 gun-related homocides...10 period.

A councilman said..."gun violence is getting worse and we have to stop it now before it becomes a problem". Apparently this chump hasn't read the gun related death stats over the past few years.

Also note this from last year in SB: All the local channels were going nuts. " Drunken woman stopped, carrying 6 assault weapons, handguns and 400 rounds of ammo!".
Now the real story: An older couple (late 50's early 60's) were in the process of moving to their new condo...they had been schlepping stuff to the new place all day and this was the last load. Hubby was in the other car and a little ahead of her...both cars packed with the last of their stuff. A cop sees her "weaving" and stops her for possible DUI. The old girl was tired. The cop searches her car, sees the guns (hubby's hunting rifles, etc) thing the news crews are there filming all this and spewing this assault weapon terrorist crap. There were no arrests or confiscations. What is most interesting is that there wasn't an explanation or apology by the TV people for bogus reporting. A lot of people still think that the old gal was some sort of terrorist when they recall the story.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
"The people have a RIGHT to Know! But only what we think they need to know."
Probable Quote from most of the major Media.
If they could tell the truth any better than Klinton that is.