Sandman S or L for Mini 14 300 BLK


New member
Title says it all. I've made up my mind that I'm gonna go with a Dead Air Sandman of some kind but wonder which would be better for my Mini.

I like the idea of the Sandman-S, its shorter and lighter and the whole idea of this setup will be a truck gun so compactness is a consideration. But I also like the idea of the slightly better db rating of the L. If I'm gonna run a suppressor, why not make it as quiet as possible.

Thoughts? Anyone have both?

I don’t have either, but I own a bunch of silencers and I’ve shot many more, so I’ll give you my take (for what it’s worth):

If the purpose of this gun is utilitarian and you just need a rifle that’s compact, easy to handle, and can be fired outside for a few shots without causing measurable hearing loss, go with the short version. But if you want to use it for recreational purposes and fire for long periods of time while having it be as quite as possible, then go with the longer version.

5.56 rifles with silencers are still fairly loud, even with the quietest silencers on the market. Longer silencers add quite a bit of length and make the rifle unwieldy, so I’d only go that route if maximum quietness mattered a lot to you.

EDIT: Duh, you said it was 300 BO in the title and I obviously missed that. And here I’m talking about 5.56... But most of my points are still applicable. I won’t add anything about 300 BO since Sharkbite covered it pretty well in his post.
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On my 300blk AR, i started with a AAC 762sdn6 because i wanted max sound reduction. After a bit i changed to a Gemtech 300blk can. Not as quiet but a ton lighter and shorter as well.

I could not be happier with the shorter/lighter can on my 300blk rifle.

The 300blk does not habe anywhere near the gas pressure or volume of a 556 or 308 does, so a smaller can is just fine.

My 9” 300blk WITH the Gemtech can is still shorter then a 16” gun and even with supersonic loads is not horrible, with Subs its a dream.
We used a Harvestor on the 300 pistols(sub-sonic ammo required) last deer season. Pretty darned quiet BUT the combination would be ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS as a "truck gun" IMHO. The Harvestor on a 16" using super sonic ammo is totally ear safe but not exactly quiet.
I'd say get the compact version and just live with the level of sound reduction it provides.