Sanding stock for floating barrel


New member
I've got a Ruger Mark 2 all-weather. I removed the stock yesterday and noticed some abrasion marks on the very end of the stock where the barrel has been resting. If I sand enought material off of the stock where the barrel is touching, would that make it a full floating barrel? Is this a good idea, or is the barrel supposed to rest on the end of the stock? Thanks.
IMQ, it depends on the accuracy your getting. If the accuracy is what you want it to be then I wouldn't touch it. If not, coat the bottom of the barrel with lipstick and assemble it to the stock as normal. Remove and sand the red/orange spots in the channel. Continue to do this until there are no more spots appearing and you can wrap a business card around the bottom of the barrel and run it all the way back between the barrel and stock without obstruction. If you are going to go this route though I would glass bed the action and about an inch or so in front of the receiver. If you do this with 2 strips of duct tape on the bottom of the barrel, the barrel will be free floated when the glass is cured. George