San Quentin parolee rapes and leaves 2 women for dead

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Moderator Emeritus
Another reason to bash CA:

Just in: A man paroled from San Quentin a couple days ago is now subject to manhunt. He and an accomplice abducted 2 women, to them to a remote location near San Francisco..robbed, raped, stabbed and shot them...and left them for dead. The accomplice was caught, the women are in critical condition.

Bet ya he went right over to Big 5 Sporting Goods and bought his "large caliber handgun" too.

And AG Lockyer and the DOJ are worried about my yer damned job Billy boy!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm thinking the standard press line will be something about the women being raped at gunpoint, and the stabbings will be glossed over, if not completely ignored.

Now, Lockyer, explain to me how confiscating "assault weapons" will keep people safe when you let violent criminals out of jail.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
How dare you guys blame him. He had a deprived childhood and society didn't pay for his therapy, etc. I bet you folks might even shoot the poor dear if he broke into your house looking for valubles to take. Don't you know that he was denied the opportunity for an education by society and has no job skills (other than making license plates). As for raping the women, it must have been his fear of intimacy coupled with a lack of conjugal visits. ;)

Probably...even though one of the women was stabbed 15 times.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
We had a similar case here.

In April '97, Jacine Gielinski was forcibly abducted from the parking lot of her boyfriend's apartment complex. It took her attackers, George Woldt and Lucas Salmon, over 2 minutes to get her into their car. Jacine was a jockette and fought like hell, but they managed to subdue her and shove her into the back seat.

Everyone on the block heard her screams. ONE person had the presence of mind to get the license number of the car. NO ONE tried to intervene. (anyone remember Kitty Genovese?)

6 hours later, Jacine's corpse was found under a van in an elementary shool parking lot. She had been raped, stabbed, beaten, her throat cut, and mud stuffed into her body to obviate any DNA left by the attackers.

Last month (yes, 2 years later), Salmon was convicted of first degree murder. The boy is a few tacos short of a combo plate. Woldt has confessed several times, so why the hell we're having a trial is beyond me.

The motive?

Woldt is an evil bastard, pure and simple, with a LONG history of violence towards women. Salmon, his buddy, was a virgin, and wanted to get some. So they picked Jacine out at a stoplight and followed her.

Salmon's sentence was decided by a 3-judge panel last week. 2 judges voted to fry his ass. 1 judge voted for life imprisonment, since his personal beliefs preclude capital punishment. Without a unanimous decision, a life sentence is mandatory.

Now the entire city of Colorado Springs is screaming for that judge to resign, and for Salmon to die. Personally, I was hoping Salmon would be found not guilty by reason of insanity, and turned loose. He'd be dead within an hour.

The point of this post? If Jacine had had even a little Jennings .22 to point at Woldt and Salmon, she'd more than likely be alive today.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
When I talked to the brother of the girl that got the Mk.1 from me last weekend, I told him that the last thing this world needs is more meek victims. We have agreed that the Mk.1 would have *some* defensive utility if nothing better is on hand. Who knows if this kid would be able to get anything better when she turns 21. Also, some threats have not the decency to wait till the victim grows up.

What this world *could* use is more dead rapists and lots of publicity given to that.


[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited July 07, 1999).]
B Shipley,
I like your style! :)

All the crap like that the liberals spew out makes me wanna spew!

(sounds of gagging and hacking in background, followed by toilet flush)
Easy on those convicts gentle members. Unlike home, you can't bend over in the shower to pick up that bar of soap. Don't forget that their weight sets were taken away, adding to their frustration and pent up anger against an unjust system. Lest we forget, with gangs like the Nuestra Familia, Mexican Mafia, Aryan Brotherhood and Black Guerilla Family, there is a lot of racial tension in the joint which prevents their successful rehabilitation into society. Finally, there are sadistic Correctional Officers who daily violate their civil rights without due process of law.

Hmmm...seems easier just to execute them, doesn't it?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
It appears the suspect #2 has been apprehended in United Nations Plaza (known by some as Urination Plaza because of the smell) by SFPD. I suspect that los Federales (Federal Protective Services) got there first since they're the ones watching the lobby of the building where the alert citizens entered to report the sighting. Nonetheless, SFPD likes to jump claims and FPS guys have been instructed to "assist" when crimes are not federal in nature (no civil rights violation in attempting to murder a couple of girls I guess).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt