Sammyville, Ore. Pop: 39; working mot veh 3; guns: 150

No sweat, abruzzi...

The story doesn't exactly paint gun owners in a very favorable light, does it? Reclusive, paranoid, backwards vigilante fugitives. And that picture is no winner, either. Still, sounds like a nice place to live. :)
How something is painted depends, of course, upon the artist. What else would you expect from a Kalifornia newspaper, especially a LA newspaper (motto: Mao Tse-Tung stands to the right of us!")?

But I agree, Sammyville is probably one of the safer places to live.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
You can see cartridges in the cylinder of Sammy's gun. Reflecting on the town, it's amazing how such anachroisms endure today. Obviously, they're happy the with the way it is.
Seems like a nice place to me :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I got p!$$ed reading that piece of elitist tripe. I can just visualize that Yuppie snot snickering while typing the article ("Population: 39. Motor vehicle count: approximately 155. Number of working vehicles: approximately three. [smurfle]", "his mail-order bride from Pennsylvania [snicker]"). Occasionally he/she will stop to sip some Chardonay and nibble some Brie, muttering "God, I'm EVER so clever".

California in a nutshell (pun intended).

And them we have that idiot photographer standing in front of Sammy with a loaded gun pointed right at his eye. Jesu! How do these
people survive to maturity?

My "Josef Goebbels Award for Excellence in Propaganda" doesn't quite seem to apply here,
so I wrote them at
and bestowed upon them the first (but not the last) "Star of David Yellow Journalism Award for Excellence in Demonizing A Minority".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Boo hoo, so his property ain't beautiful and he carries guns.

The man runs a soup kitchen, gives shelter and safety to people who need it, cooperates with the police, and apparently will give people the shirt off his back. What's so bad about that?

OTOH, I didn't read this article the way many of you did. I thought the tone was pretty one-sided in favor of Sammy with the exception of the story of him shooting at the movie screen--and those of you from small towns know how rumors are. He sounded pretty good to me . . .


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Oatka, you crack me up!

New World Order has a Third Reich odor...wotta classic!

What other awards do you dole out? :)


Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.