SameShot's lil' web page.


New member
Since saying hello, my little pet web page has gotten a little interest. It's just some pics.
Anyway, I updated it a bit if you're interested.

Have a look if you like


Same Shot, Different Day
I said it last night and I'll say it again tonight. SON, YOU GOT TO HAVE MONEY!!!!

[This message has been edited by Don 3:16 (edited June 11, 1999).]
Wish that were the case Don.

We crawl along at poverty level like most of our friends. I'm a musician by trade. She's a bartender.


Same Shot, Different Day
Gun forum or not, your wife is not only prettier than you but she's prettier than your girlfriend.

Hmmm. In all my years I don't think I've ever said anything like THAT before!

(Blushing) Grump
That stand's to reason. You've either got to be rich or a musician to get a beautiful woman. I just hope Kelley doesn't find out that I'm neither.

[This message has been edited by Don 3:16 (edited June 12, 1999).]
Nice pics SameShot.

When I saw your Rooskie Girlfriend, Nikita, I thought I recognized the DPMS barrel (I had helped my uncle build his AR using a 1 1/8" thick DPMS barrel and a slick top DPMS upper). So, how does she behave and what loads do you use?

4V50 Gary

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary, What can I say... I love it.
I load 25gr of Varget with 55gr V-max and
24.5 Varget with 69gr Sierra HPBT's.
So far, so good.

Same Shot, Different Day
If I knew a bartender like that I might take up drinking again! Now two 'serious' comments: As a non-owner of semi-auto rifles, and a reloader, I wonder, how do you shoot at the bench and keep control of your brass? The setup with Nikita (first pic) looks very neat and shipshape...but no brass catcher in view. Final comment: The pic with Jess and the 7mm also shows the only other B&L 45-degree eyepiece Zoom 60 spotting scope I have ever seen, bar mine. (It distracted me from the main subject of the pic for all of three seconds.) My compliments to the photographer!

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Great photo's......I havent seen one of those a10 or is it a210 hi standard shotguns in years....matter I think thats only the 2nd one Ive ever seen......fubsy.
Slabsides, On the days that I mind my brass, I just throw a towel loosely over the top of the rig. All the brass will deposit itself right on top of the table. Yeah, those B&L's are rare, but I know another guy who has one.. so that makes 3.

Fubsy, you've got me beat. I've Never seen another High Standard shotgun like that...
except <insert trivia here>..
that some can be seen in the original Star Wars Movie. A couple "stormtroopers" had them.

Thanks for the interest


Same Shot, Different Day
SameShot: A have given me a great idea for a new light rig to trap pistol brass. Now (he said, scratching his head) why didn't I ever think of that:

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Ok...I've been beating my brains. How are you going to use a towel to catch pistol brass?
Benchrested rifles I know, but I'm curious and having visions of a Weaver stance with a guy who looks like he's got a towel draped over his hands.

Same Shot, Different Day
What is the point?

The purpose of a brass catcher is for convieniance. Once it is no longer convienient - it is no longer useful.

dealing with towells?

no thank you.

The most interesting thing is how gun nuts react. Here's a beautiful woman, and most of you are discussing the guns, the spotting scopes, brass catchers etc. That's so FUNNY!!

BTW: I was a performing musician for 23 years: NEVER had that kind of luck. Now that I'm a computer geek, well that's a different story!
Sure, I have a brass catcher as well, but I often find that throwing a towel over the top of a benchrested rifle is faster, and often more convieneint than a catcher. Also, it doesn't make the rifle "heavy to the right" as the brass fills up in the container. When I'm benchresting, I'm firing about 1 round every 10-20 seconds, and usual fire no more than 15 without taking a break (5 3 shot groups). It is Very easy to just lift the towel and throw the brass that is on the table into my "brass bucket", and I think I can do it faster than removing the catcher and re-installing it.
Of course, you have to be on a bench or it makes no sense. If you shoulder your rifle or fire prone, or from the hip, it doesn't work.
Besides, I don't have a catcher for all of my rifles. My Mini for instance, also my 10/22 and others.
Throwing a towel over the action keeps these non-catcher'd rifles from throwing brass into the guy's lap in the lane next to me, and is generally appreciated. It also doensn't land on the ground where it is a slip and fall hazard (even it it's 22LR).

I'm not preaching towels here, I was just answering a question. The point of this thread was just to share some pics. To each his/her own.


Same Shot, Different Day
It's very flattering, the nice comments people have made about Jessica. I put her x-modeling career photo's up to show girls (and some men) that shooting as a sport, and gun ownership is not exclusively for testosterone rich men.
There was some discussion at where boyfriends and husbands were having trouble getting their women interested in firearms. I thought that a few pics of Jessica would be good ammo to help these guys convince their better halves to give it a shot, and dispose of thier pre-concieved ideas about "who" is into guns. I hope it helps, and I still like talking about rifles, and scopes and such


Same Shot, Different Day
I hope my observation didn't offend you. It wasn't meant to. It just struck me as funny. There's a site a fellow lister on SIG-l has with a long list of "You might be a gun nut if" and it seemed a perfect fit to that list.

I have a lot of trouble even broaching the subject of guns with my girlfriend: She's just so paranoid that I can't even talk about the political issues with her. I keep my G17 at home unloaded, and in fact I don't have any cartridges in the house. That's my concession to her allowing a gun in the house at all. She would rather there not be one, but (for once) I put my foot down and stated that if it goes, so do I. First and only time I ever said that, and when my CCW comes through, the cartridge issue will rear its ugly head again.

Again, I hope I didn't offend.

[This message has been edited by joegerardi (edited June 15, 1999).]
Sameshot, compliments on the webpage. I like seeing pictures of customized guns. Actually I wish there was some sort of site where people would just put pics of their guns and such. Some of us put all this money and sweat into building the perfect machine and I think it should be showcased.

And great shots of your wife. I'm an amatuer photographer and enjoy seeing other's work. Whoever had the inspiration for the third shot of you wife had a great idea. Perhaps I will try that with my gf.

Oh, and I wholeheartedly feel the pain of joegerardi.. I have a couple guns and knives and my gfriend is freaked about having them in my apartment. And I didn't make it any better by buying that Rem 870P last week either. >=) (BTW, can someone show me how to do them smiley faces?)

You're gettin' ready to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherf**ker, motherf**ker! Every time my fingers touch brain I'm "SUPERFLY T.N.T," I'm the "GUNS OF NAVARONE."

- Jules