Same old question again: +P's in a K-38


New member
I have asked this question several times on other forums. Is it ok to shoot + P's in my old K-38? Responses were all over the board but mostly to do it sparingly. I read an article by a fellow who finally got his hands on one, a 61/2 " like mine and proceeded to shoot lots of +P through it with no problems so far. I recently found out that the LEO I bought mine from fed it a regular diet of Super Vel, the predecessor to +P, and it is still as tight as new. I only ran a few left over Super Vels through it but they seemed to be fairly mild. Any new info on +P's in K-38's?

Dear Sir:
Smith & Wesson revolvers are a "black powder frames" - this doesn't say that they are weak or bad guns - it just means that older Smiths probably shouldn't be used with any other ammo than standard rounds and I, personally would shy away definately from +P in any revolver.
The idea that one needs more power than what is available with specified ammo on the bbl. is unfortunate. Things can seem O.K. with +P until a cylinder lets loose!
You should get a 357, or in the case of the 45LC not being enough get a 454. I'm not criticising or demeaning - just trying to save you heartache.
I can take a new Smith 29 in 44 magnum, fire one box of Super X 44 and you will find one cylinder, or more out of time. Not so with Ruger - not hardly ever.
Now, the Smith 25-5 - I hear that the steel in that gun recently has had an upgrade in its metallurgy! I still hesitate to use Ruger loads in a 25-5!
some don't like Ruger and they're not as pretty as a Smith but as far as strength they are in the top few that are given higher loads in the loading books. I stay within those recommendations.
harry B.
Mr. Bonar,

Thanks much for the reply. Not too many folks have the breadth of knowledge you seem to have. I have stayed away from +P in my old K-38 so far and will continue to do so.

It's much too nice ( and accurate ) a piece too mess up at this stage.

I couldn't agree more on the Rugers. They are the anvils of the handgun world. A full house 125 gr .357 stuck behind the jacket of a previous round in my GP 100 took hours of 'smith work to get out but not a speck of damage.
( That said, out of the box the Smith triggers are much nicer but after 20,000+ rounds, the GP 100 is getting close).
