Sam Colt's ORIGINAL (1847?) revolver found in Lincoln Co., OK!?!

Futo Inu

New member
One of my clients told this last Thurs; he said it would be on display this last Saturday and again in the near future in Meeker, OK. Supposed to be his orignal design, but badly rusted up. Can anyone substantiate this rumor? (sorry if already posted - I don't see in handguns).
Sam Colts first patented design was the 1836 Patterson. It was accounted for years ago and is presently in a museum some where in the east. One of the other members will probalby know the specifics.
I shudder to think what the Col. would think now if he could see what the company has became he started so long ago.

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000