Salesman says Rem 870 will rust if touched?!?!

Charles Johnson

New member
I was in Wal-Mart (not to buy, just to help decide if I want to order from my gunshop) looking at an 870 Express Super Magnum. The salesman tells me fingerprints will cause an 870 to rust :rolleyes:. I've already read stories about the incredible durability of the 870, so I totally ignored this comment.

I'm beginning to wonder if someone in this area's (Jacksonville, FL) Wal-Mart management has instructed their stores to discourage firearms sales. Or maybe they are just suffering from collective idiocy. So far, they have:
  • told me that they can't remove the trigger locks because the government will fine them $10,000
  • one saleswoman banged an 11-87 around several times while showing it to me (it was VERY scratched and dented)
  • been VERY unfriendly when showing firearms.
  • picked on my wife, saying if she passed the background check, then she just hasn't been caught yet. A little joking is one thing, but this guy wouldn't let up. We cancelled the layaway immediately
I had already decided to stick with my local gunshop. Now I know I made a good decision.
Some partial truth to what they said about fingerprints rusting. The oils on your hand can react with gun metal and cause rusting over a long period of time. That's why cleaning instructions say to wipe the barrel and metal parts with an oily rag before storing.

But there are a lot of "ifs" there. If the gun is stored in a moist environment, if your hands are dirty, etc. Most guns that are handled a lot don't rust because they are wiped down.
You've got to remember that Wal-Mart hires ANYONE. Even if they can't walk or talk. I would take any "advice" from a walmart eployee with a pound of salt. They pay them a few pennies over minimum wage so they aren't professionals.
I strongly suggest that you report the rude behavior to the manager. Let him know that he is losing sales due to employee rudeness. Tolerating rude behavior from salespeople simply encourages rudeness.

Apparently the no trigger lock removal is company policy. I've encountered it here in MS also. When I encountered it, I let them know in plain terms, "If I can not feel the trigger before I buy a gun. I will not buy it. I will take my business elsewhere."

I do not believe the BS about the $10,000.00 fine.

Doc Hudson
What really ticks me off is that my dealer doesn't stock Remington because he can't compete with Wal-Mart's prices. The only reason he had the 870 I bought is that someone backed out after he special ordered it (they backed out because Wal-Mart had it for $70 less :mad: ). The good side of this is I'm building a very good relationship with my dealer. The fore-end on my AL391 split and he didn't even question how it happened (all I know is I didn't do anything to cause the problem). He just told me he'd get Beretta to send a new one :). Can't get service like that at Wal-Mart!

I will definitely let Wal-Mart management know that they continue to lose my business. I bought a beautiful Marlin 444P last night from my dealer and I put a really nice Springfield 1911 on layaway today :).
Just a Wal Mart story:
I was looking at Rem 870's and there was one with the shorter deer barrel and rifle sights, I asked the guy if it was rifled or smoothbore and he grabbed the gun and basically put the muzzle right in his eye! My fiancee and I almost fell over!
I was in there one time to look at an NEF shotgun. When I asked to see the SG, the guy grabbed a pump gun.
If the guy said that to my wife, she would kick his a..

Seriously, there is no excuse for that type of comment.

Additionally, I believe that most of the people on this list know more about firearms than most gunshop employees. What does that tell you about minimum wage clerks at WalMart who yesterday may have been in the vacuum cleaner department?
I decided to pay more $ at my local gunshop for an 870 than I would have had to pay at Wallyworld or K-mart just to avoid these bozos.

Technically, any blued gun can eventually rust at a fingerprint point. That being said, I've seen a lot of abused, neglected, and unclean 870s without rust. My personal experience does not suggest that an 870 is any more likely to rust than another gun and it suggests that it is less likely to rust than some other guns.

I wondered if the store was sitting on a stock of Winchesters or Mossbergs it wanted to move and if they tried to denigrate the 870 in hopes you'd buy something else?

Too many times the person behind the conter at any retail store assumes the mantel of "Guru". It is especially galling when it's a firearms store or department.

I would (and have) lit that idiot's hair on fire for saying anything about my wife.

As far as the rust and fingerprints goes, it depends on the person. One of my buddies can touch a blued gun and rust will form on the gun in a day or two. Needless to say, he is a fanatic on wiping down his guns. If you haven't noticed it by now, it's probably not a problem.

I have not witnessed any brand of firearm rust faster than any other and I hunt on rainy days.

There's an 870 built in 1950 upstairs than has been dragged in and out of salt marsh blinds,got in more wet hunting than most Labrador retrievers,and has maybe 8-10,000 rounds through it since it was new. If you can find any rust on it, the first round's on me.

My sweat is quite acidic, and I learned early to wipe the guns down well and PDQ. One of those silicone cloths is probably the best accessory for gunners ever invented.

Besides the silicone thing, a base coat of oil(Even motor oil), CLP, or auto paste wax goes a long way towards PM.
Typically Wal Mart salespersons know absolutely nothing about firearms. They are full of "Bravo Sierra" in general.
Nothing more dangerous than ignorance, especially about firearms.

While finger prints can lead to "rusty prints", I find Remingtons to be no worse than other guns in this aspect.
A proper wipe down after handling prevents this.

A proper retort to this salesperson is:

Yes, I'll look but not touch.
I don't buy guns from stupid people. Besides that, I never buy things from a$$holes.
Enuf said.
I learned in the 30s to wipe down any gun after handling. Used RIG on a patch of sheepskin for wipe down. Still use RIG. Have had no problems in tropical jungles, Puget Sound, and points in between.

Certainly seems to be a dip stick magnet in a lot of the chain stores. Guns, electronics, auto parts; some of the sales staff seem to be selected on the basis of absence of product knowledge.

Sam....screw your GPS, we are NOT lost.
Originally posted by Point Blank:
If you live in Jacksonville just find another Wally World,walk in...and buy it.Pobably 10 of them stores in the metro area.
The complaints I mentioned happened at the 3 Jax southside stores nearest me. I'd have to drive 30 minutes to the other side of Jax to find another Wal-Mart. I'd probably find more idiots over there. However, I did finally find a RemChoke Imp Cyl choke at one on the other side...

Dave McC:That's what I'd expect from an 870 after reading the recent thread about the 870's durability. Remember the one where a kid fired his dad's 870 in a boat and the recoil sent the 870 to the bottom of the pond, where it was discovered months later, in decent condition?

About ten years ago I worked at Home Depot in the paint dept. I made a little over minimum wage, but I knew what I was doing. I was always giving detailed instructions on all kinds of home improvement projects (if I didn't know, I found someone who did). Never once did a customer complain about my advice. And when I wasn't helping customers I was throwing freight on the shelves like a madman. I guess people just don't work like they used to (I'm proud to say that makes me sound like my grandfather :)).
i personally think the express guns are more prone to rust than the slick blued guns. the express guns look parkerized but i think they are bead blasted and then blued. we took one fishing one day in salt water and it was rusted when we returned...i think that rough finish may hold moisture but for 225 bucks what do you expect.....Dick
Mr Johnson, one of the older gentlemen I shoot trap with mentioned he had used an 870 for a long time before getting his Kolar( A custom target gun running not much less than a new truck). His best guess was about 80,000 rounds on the 870, nothing broken.

Plus, the other oldsters I mention keep saying things about "you just can't wear out an 870".

Finally, an 870 used for training at my old agency was placed on line in 1981, and used for practice and qualification. I retired in 98, and other than new wood, no non original parts. Best guess,5-10,000 rounds a year, lackadaisical maintenance from unmotivated personnel,used in all kinds of weather.