Sale of rifle confusion


New member
Just a little confused. Is it or is it not legal to sell a rifle to an individual from another state without going through an FFL if it is a face to face transaction? I know pistols can not be sold without an FFL But if a rifle is a face to face transaction with a person from another state, must it go through an FFL according to federal law?
Yes, you need a FFL

State-to-state sales require a FFL middleman, the difference from pistols is that for rifles and other long guns the FFL can be in either the sellers or buyers state. For pistols the FFL has to be in the buyers state.
"Is it or is it not legal to sell a rifle to an individual from another state without going through an FFL if it is a face to face transaction? I know pistols can not be sold without an FFL "'

ALL firearm sales between residents of different states MUST go through an FFL.

For a long gun an FFL in either state can complete the sale (though some states are onerous enough only a resident FFL is likely to cooperate).

A handgun must go through an FFL in the buyers state.
You can ship it (common carrier) or deliver it to the FFL.

Watch out for restrictive state laws if you go the personal delivery rout to an out of state FFL.
There must be NO laws preventing you from having the gun in your possession in the other state.