Saiga 12 mags

8 rounders are prohibitively expensive, and may no longer be in production.

10 rounders made by AGP are being bought up as fast as they can be made. Go to the Saiga Forum if you haven't been there already.
Thanks.... But that's a lot to wade through at the forum... can you just tell me please Gazpacho, what is AGP's full company name, and/or provide a website link? Thanks again!
Saiga Mags

AGP is assembling a batch now. Previous post indicated they sell faster than AGP can make them, 'struth. E-mail them to get on waiting list for next batch (end-of-February maybe?) They'll notify you before they list them on their website.

I'm waiting on mine from (I hope) this batch. Stanleys Pro Shop has the best price on 5 round mags, generally. http://

Atlantic Firearms sells them (10 round), after they get them from AGP. Same price, good service.

And that is that. Saiga Rules! 'Nuff said.

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