SafetyOn software

Jeff Thomas

New member
I did a TFL search on this product, and found that Rob has brought this up a couple of times. Foolish me, I didn't check it out earlier. Last night I was reading 'The Shield' from the LEAA (great group! - ), and they had a review of this training software. I gather SafetyOn was demo'ed at the SHOT Show.

Unless I hear differently from you folks, I'll order a copy this weekend. Looks great - check it out at .

I can see where experienced hands might not see the investment as worthwhile, but I'm trying to absorb everything I can, and this looks like a good addition to the books I've been buying. Besides, my kids love computers, and this will be another venue for their education as well.

Regards from AZ
Jeff, since youdid the serach, you know how
I feel.

For everyone else, my advice on SafetyOn is this:

Buy Two copies. Give one to your local library or elementary school. Go through the other one with your family and then loan it to your extended family members and friends, anyone that you care about being educated about the fundamentals of firearms saftey, operation, use and maintenance.

Hi Jeff,
I'm sorry if it took a bit of effort to find SafetyOn, we have actually put a lot of work into getting on most of the Search Engines, but in any case, I'm glad you found us!!

Thanks so much for your kind words, we have gotten a LOT of great feedback from users. Last Friday a gentleman called our support line just to say thanks - he was not a shooter, never had been; but he has 2 sons, 12 and 13, and he felt very compelled to learn about guns and teach them to be safe. He has them going through SafetyOn in detail right now. He said he just had to call to let us know he appreciated our help in making his family a little safer...!

Please tell everyone about the CD, we really do believe we can make a difference. Our website is

Many thanks and best regards,
Michael, that was me! I spoke with George D., and I meant every word of it.

We must take back the moral high ground from those who would strip us of the right to self defense. Your CD's are a great step in that direction.

Rob first pointed it out, then he mentioned LEAA, and it was an ad in LEAA's 'The Shield' that finally got me motivated to check out your web site. [you might ask how lazy can a guy get when I didn't do that the first time Rob posted the site! ;) ]

I was originally calling to find out if I could make a volume purchase of your software. I think Rob has a great idea. Do you have any suggestions about what type of schools to contact, how to approach them, etc.? Glad to do it now and then, but I don't want to gift the software and then find out it was never presented properly to the kids.

It would be great fun to ask HCI to help distribute it, wouldn't it? They're so big on safety, so they say ...

Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 24, 1999).]
Welcome to The Firing Line. I only just became aware of your company and spent some time on your site. I ordered a copy of SafetyOn for my library. Expect a review of your product within a week or two.

I think what you're doing is a real public service. The goals of our site are to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership. So, you're talking our language. We'd like your permission to add your site URL to our links.

Anything else we can do to help, just let us know.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited February 23, 1999).]
Jeff - we'd be happy to make a volume purchase arrangement - just drop a line to and we can work out the details.

Rich - our URL is I would LOVE a link and would be ahppy to reciprocate as soon as we add a links page to the SafetyOn website.

As to getting the anti-gunners to promote safety - we are looking at some campaign ideas to press them to do just that - if you are not "pro-education" then you have to be "pro-ignorance" - lets see where they want to be classified!

Thanks so much for the kind thoughts and great reviews. I hope everyone gets a great deal of enjoyment and safety info from our CD. A whole team of folks worked very hard on it and we are very proud of the results.
Best to all,