Safety wiped off. Normal?


New member
Tonight I was making a pretty elaborate dinner for my wife and me, something I do regularly. During a bathroom break, I found the safety in the off position. That's the first time this has happened, even when I've been doing jobs that involve more stretching, bending and so on than just cooking. Should I regard this as a usual occurence, or start looking at the mechanicals on the gun (Kimber pro carry)?

Thanks for any replies,
I'm not sure how you carry your gun, but it could well be possible that you bumped up against something that flicked the safety off. If it does this often, I might take a look at the safety and make sure it's connecting positively enough. Good thing that grip safety is still there.. :)

I have a Pro Elite. I had the same problem and found out that the holster I was using caused it. If there is any holster covering that portion of the gun, the gun must be so tight in the holster to prevent any movement short of drawing. This caused me grave concern so I solved it by getting a holster that doesn't cover the safety. And since, I've not had the problem. Even though the gun rests very snugly against my body.

I have found my problem to be exactly opposite of Danny. I usually carry cocked and locked. While using an IWB holster without the tab, my safety was snicked off by the movement of my body. I now will not use a holster without the safety tab, but let me make clear that I am talking about a custom moulded holster which is made to fit the weapon I carry and not some "one size fits all" that you see advertised. Guess everybody sees things differently. If not, what would we talk about on here?:D
10-4 on getting a "good" holster

Every holster I have for my 1911's, including semi-competition holsters, are molded to fit the contours of the gun and they effectively prevent the safety from moving until the gun is drawn. These are primarily Milt Sparks and DeSantis - likewise with the Galcos I've had.

I've had the same experience as Danny. I had a holster than routinely swiped off my safety. I don't use it anymore. Curiously, it was a Bianchi holter with a thumb retention strap that covers (and you would think "protects") the safety. The irony was I at first thought I wanted a thumb-break holster for the extra measure of safety it brings. I moved to an open holster (Galco) and never had the problem again.

This is a Mitch Rosen ARG IWB holster. It doesn't have any leather on it to cover the safety, but as I said this is a first. If it's not the last time, I'll have to think about another holster. The safety clicks positively in each position, so I don't think it's the gun. Maybe it was the cayenne pepper. ;)

That is a serious concern for me also. I have spent a lot of money trying to find the right combination of comfort and safety . I have a few different IWB holsters that are fairly comfortable but the only one I have that will hold the safety in a locked position is the Braveheart Kydex .It works great with my CDP Ultra in the cocked and locked mode.
This is one area of concern I have with ambi safeties, there is twice the chance of the safety being wiped. I am right handed. If I find myself with an ambi safety, I will replace it with a standard safety. I don't need the ambi and see no reason to add to the risk.
