Safety "Tip"!


New member
Some of my BP Revolvers shoot better with a "filler" like Cream of Wheat to keep their Balls close to the Forcing Cone for best accuracy.
One day while positioned in the middle of the tables at the Pistol Range, I got confused if I loaded the previous cylinder or not?
Now I HATE to look down into a loaded chamber, so I added just a few flakes of COW atop the powder to show the powder level in dim lit conditions.
Just a few flakes out of a scoop lights the chamber like it was in the sunshine!
I also carry a small flashlight to check for a loaded chamber in dim light.
Gotta use all the tricks we can the older we get!
What's wrong with looking down at a loaded C&B cylinder without caps?

If you're concerned about an ember setting it off, I highly doubt an ember would wait until after you've packed powder and ball down to go off.
Some of us just have this natural aversion to looking into charged chambers. No good reason for it - it's just the way we are.
If you don't have a flashlight to see into the chamber....

you might try lighting a match.




.... That was a joke, guys.
Can you tell if this one is loaded?
Yes! all 6 hammer back and finger on trigger.
Charged with 20 gr powder and a newly cast (shinny) round ball, but not capped.
Technically charged but not loaded.
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Can you tell if this one is loaded?
Doesn't look like it. I think I can see the inside face of the nipples which are slightly offset... Could be wrong though.
It would be easier to tell in person, as it would be a simple matter of depth perception.
I like Doc's idea . . .

Or, you could just throw another load in . . . if it already DOES have one load in, slip a piece of pipe over you loading lever to give you extra leverage so you can get that ball squeezed in! If that doesn't work . . . get a bigger hammer . . . :D :eek:

And hey . . . there's noting wrong with grits! I start my day out everyday with a bowl of 'em. You just have to develop a taste for 'em. :rolleyes:
Seriously now, OK?
It's not wise to place ones self in front of a un-fired cylinder. I don't take safety lightly and you all shouldn't make such play about it! I
m trying to help both new and old shooters take a safe route in checking the revolver to prevent a dangerous situation so lets try and be safe, OK? ANything can be used to feel for the full chamber.
I use the COW to light-up the top level of the powder in the chamber and if I skipped loading powder in it.
Whenever I think that I may have skipped a chamber due to double cocking or a lost cap. I have a long Golf Tee that I reach around in front of the cylinder to check for a ball.
Yea I know we all clown around and I respect that so please respect my little attempt at suggesting safe ways to check your gun, OK?
Finally! Percussion Caps!

The salesperson told me it's been over 2 Months since My near-by Bass Pro's has had any percussion caps!
Today just for the fun of it, my Brother in Law and I went looking for Caps and some reloading components. BINGO! they had #11's!
I picked up a 1/2 dozen tins so I have some on hand also to leave some on the shelf for other shooters too. Thaqt figgures out to less caps than a pound of powder needs.
Yea, I could've bought em all but we need to stop panic buying sometime!!!
It's up to each of us to help the other guy out and leave some stock for him!
Gotta stop this craziness somehow!

One's own specific loading routine, consistently repeated, will help to ensure safety.

Doing the same thing, every time, should help avoid getting out of rhythm.

I dump the powder in the chamber, place the felt wad over that, then seat it and leave the rammer in while I dump powder and place the wad in the next one. When they are all charged then I go back around and seat the balls. Caps go on last. My routine.

I avoid loading in dimly lit areas or in places with a lot of distractions. I need to be focused on the task at hand.

As for humor... I always make sure I have plenty of that handy.
I like to use a empty 357 shell casing, in order to load black powder and Instant Cream of Wheat in my chambers, for my Ruger Old Army .

On snow covered days at the range...the chickadee's love to eat my spent Cream of Wheat, after it's been shot thru my pistol.
Rhis has been a good thread!
I didn't mean not to have fun posting. but to also heed safety if they come up, OK?
Yea I find dark areas hard to see the charges, that's why the sprinkle of COW. A little flashlight is even needed sometimes,
I hate pulling balls out of an uncharged chamber!!!
Well I got some cps and I'm ready to go make smoke! Gotta load my gear up and hit the road!
Probably nothing. In fact, very likely nothing. But...

There's a place at the Grand Canyon where you can walk on a clear floor out over the canyon rim and look straight down into the canyon. No matter how I try to convince myself that nothing can happen, I still don't like to do that.

I don't like to look down a barrel or into a chamber with a ball and powder in it. Simple as that.