"Safety On" review


New member
Just got through using an interactive CD
called "Safety-On". Boy; this thing is neat.
It gives several views of all phases of
handgun fundamentals like sighting, trigger
control, ect. When you click on parts of the
weapon it will open up that part of the
weapon ( revolver and auto ) It even has
a review of different shooting disciplines
IPDA, IPSC, PPC, Bullseye, ect. And will
actually show you stages of a real match
in a 360* view. This is the best teaching
tool I've ever come accross. Each topic is
presented well and "right". The cost is
around $39.95 but I got mine through the
POST council of Louisiana who gave each
Department with a POST firearms instructor
one at our yearly retrainer. You got to see it. Their web site is www.safeton.com.

[This message has been edited by bobo (edited October 20, 1999).]
Been thinking for a couple of months since I first saw it mentioned here on TFL, about gettin one. Darn $39.95 is a lot to shell out. Been hopein that since I bookmarked their web site the wife would get a hint and buy me one for x-mas. Since I just bought her a Browning BPS 20ga for her birthday.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.