Safe House: Movie Review

Paul Revere

New member
Recently rented the movie, "Safe House", with Jason Patrick (of Star Trek fame). It is an interesting twist for Hollywood to produce a movie where the moral of the story is, "Always have a gun handy."

Jason Patrick plays an ex-spook (with Althsemers) who's ex-CO is now running for President (or some other high office). The ex-CO is "terminating" all of his past relationships (that can prove him to be a killer). Patrick is on the list. Patrick's home is his "safe house", security wired to the hilt, a gun planted everywhere, a bedroom arsenal to die for, and some unusal habits like sleeping in the closet, while a life-like replica of himself sleeps in his bed. Patrick's character simulates intrusions using his pool man as the perp which will get your blood flowing.

In addition, Patrick's decaying condition and unusal habits cause alarm with his daughter, who hires a very young and attractive home care giver who quickly gains Patrick's trust. After a shooting involving a passing car, the daughter and her husband go around his home and collect up all of the hidden weapons (thoughtfully disarming him). This, almost on the eve of Patrick's termination ploy by the ex-CO.

Albeit silly at times, it stands as an unusal movie about paranoia and survival. And a must see for gun enthusiasts who contemplate home invasions or unexpected visitors in black ninja suits. And it is a gun, the only gun not found by Patrick's daughter, that eventually saves his own life in the end.
Ahh! PR! It's NOT Jason Patrick - it's Patrick Stewart!! Huge difference!

Now that I'm done with that comment - thanks for the review. I have seen this on the shelf at the video place but just never picked it up. I will now do so. I really like PATRICK STEWART ;).


ya beat me to it! I was thinking to myself, "when was Jason Patrick on ST?" I too am a fan of Patrick Stewart (the only reason I watched Conspiracy Theory...)

PR, thanx for the review, I'll hafta go get it from Blockbuster this weekend! :)

That's why I like this forum so much, you folks are so quick to correct mistakes. Sorry, I stand corrected, it's Patrick Stewart.
Ahhhhh, isn't Patrick Stewart one of the signees on that Open Letter to the NRA? I always liked Stewart too, but I could've sworn I saw his name there. Not that it amounts to much, but he won't be getting money from me.
Does Blockbuster still have that policy about no CCW? I stopped going there when I heard about that.

Here in Texas, shortly after we got CCW, I saw a Blockbuster Music that had a "no guns" sign posted. About 6 mos-1yr later it was gone. I haven't really noticed if any others do, but I would suppose that Blockbuster no longer posts those signs in their stores, at least not in TX.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security."
-Benjamin Franklin
"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"
I too haven't heard if P. Stewart signed that Open Letter or not. I'll be disappointed if he did, I enjoy his movies. Please let me know if you get some confirmation, because that'll totally change my view on him.


I was in a BBuster a few weeks ago here in Dallas and didn't see any signs posted on the doors, FWIW...
I too saw the movie. However, though I was extremely intrigued while reading the box, I was very disappointed in the movie itself. Although Patrick Stewart was proven “right” in the end, he was portrayed as a paranoid nut throughout the movie.
I think Blockbuster video changed thier policy, cuz sales and rentals went WAY WAY DOWN. See? We do have some power.
Paul B.
Blockbuster changed the no guns policy after Guns and Ammo ran a small story on it. About a quarter page if I remember correctly. Blockbuster was swamped with letters and quietly changed the policy.
See, sometimes we are heard.