Safariland "outer belt", stupid question......


New member
I found a good deal on the outer/inner belts, it's not the basketweave pattern.
Which side of this belt is supposed to face out? :)

The belt is shipped coiled in the wrong direction (fuzzy side out), so when I try to wrap it around my waist (with the smooth nylon side out,fuzzy side in), the reinforced plastic within the belt starts to buckle and crimp up in 3-4 different spots around the inside of the belt!!

It's as if it's designed to be worn with the fuzzy side out, meaning it's an inner belt and NOT an outer belt?

Tell me if I'm wrong, the inner belt is thin with velcro hooks, and the outer belt is the thicker belt with the fuzzy stuff right? No? Yes?
Right (but my belts are leather; Bianchi 1 3/4" and Hellweg 1 1/2").



"all my handguns are competition handguns"
Response from Safariland...

"..Sir....The 4350 should be worn so that the velcro is on the inside of the belt. I'm not sure why the belt is not working correctly. I will exchange it if
you like..."

Well, that confirms my belief that It's supposed to wrap around my waist with the fuzzy side in.
Then why the hell do they ship the thing coiled with the fuzzy side out?
Shipping this way makes the reinforcement retain an opposite memory, and causes these "hills" and "bends" to pop-up on the inside (toward my waist) when I try to bend the belt in the direction it's designed for!!

I can't believe no one else has had this problem.
The inner belt is looped around your waist. The velcro is used to attach the outer belt to the inner belt. This allows you to position the outer belt with the holster and mags in place wherever you like. You can remove and replace the outer belt keeping the holster and mags in the same relative position. Most people position the outer belt so the hooks are at their back.
I know that......:)

I just can't understand why they would ship a belt wrapped in the opposite direction of which it is designed to be worn. The damb ting "bunches-up" in 3 or 4 spots around the inside of it!
Reply from the factory..........

"...I spoke with our R&D Manager, shipping and production manager. They have
been packaging these incorrectly which is what is causing the problem. ..."

Well, there we go, I'm not as crazy as I thought I was.

[Edited by TVDean on 05-16-2001 at 02:15 PM]
just got one from brownell's yesterday, BOY that sucked!!! guess i will just have to let it set for a while wrapped the other way.

your quesiton has been answered, but i didn't want you to feel too alone.

Thanks Smoney.

I tried the wrapping it the other way technique, it didn't work.
Safariland agreed to exchange it for me, you may want to do the same.

I ordered it from Brownells also.
Prompted by the Godon Davis article in the new Handgunner: I have an old Davis, "Thunderbolt"-style IPSC rig, which would seem to now be illegal for IPSC (pretty ridiculous, when you see what IS legal). The belt is much too wide to go through any belt loops I've ever seen, but since the belt doesn't have to go through the belt loops if it's attached to one that does, can I run a strip of velcro through the loops, then attach a few velcro pads to the inside of my belt, thereby making it a legal inner/outer belt? I've used the rig at a few club matches, without comment, but I suspect some guy with a carbon fiber/PVC/aluminum orthopedic-lookin' device will cry "foul" at the sight of so much cowhide.

Thank-you, Mr.B will be here all week!

I don't see any reason why you couldn't use your rig, as long as it's attached to your pant loops somehow.