Safariland Fine-Tac - Photos??


New member

Just a short one. A work colleague of mine was wanting to use a Safariland Fine-Tac holster for his Glock, and asked for my opinion. I've never seen one of these holsters, or used one, so if anyone has any opinions, I'd be interested to hear it! I have looked at the Safariland site.

He's right handed, and the model designation is 0702-83-131.

I currently have 2 Safariland holsters with this finish. A paddle and my duty holster a Raptor Level II. I personally love it, you don't see as much scratching and scuffs as you do with the softer leathers and such. hope this helps!
If you're asking for opinions on the finish of the holster, opposed to how well it operates (which it appears you are) then I wont be much help. However, Ill throw in my $0.02.

I was issued a Safariland 6280 with the STX finish at my last job for a Glock 23, and I liked it so much, I went out and bought one for my new job for a Taurus PT92AR. As long as I can get a Safariland holster with the rotating hood for my duty weapon, whatever it may be, I wont consider anything else. In my opinion, Safariland is simply the best. Im sure others will disagree, but its all a matter of opinion.

However, I dont like the design he is looking at:


I dont care for the open top. Ive never used that particular holster, or even seen it in person, but it doesnt seem too secure to me.

Do your friend a favor, and tell him to get the 6280, or any design with the rotating hood (either SLS or ALS). He'll be much happier I think. It's an EXTREMELY fast holster. Especially if you don't use the 2nd retention level. Also very safe. Unless a perp knows how the holster works (which most, if not all wouldn't) I would be damn surprised to see them take the gun from you.


EDIT: Guess I should have asked what the holsters intended use is (ie CCW, Duty, Open Carry, etc) If its for anything but duty, disregard everything I just said.
Thanks very much indeed folks.

The holster is intended for plainclothes duty wear by a detective. I appeciate the advice, I'll be passing the details along.

Cheers 'n' beers!