Sad sight in Boston on the 4th


New member
Did anyone else see and notice this? I was watching the Boston Pops concert tonight (last night now to some of you :)) and during one part of the concert they asked everyone to sing along for some of the old great patriotic songs. As I sat here in my living room (in Ca) singing along and getting all choked up and misty eyed, the camera was panning around the crowd. I was disheartened to see that the vast majority of the crowd was not singing along. As if they didn't know the words! Now I know that not every one likes to sing out loud, but for those of us who grew up with these great songs it's hard not to at least mouth the words. These peoples lips weren't even moving. This was in Boston for crying out loud! Essentially the heart of the revolution, where these concerts have been going on for some 50 years. (Arthur Fiedler RIP) I don't know about the rest of you, but those songs stir my soul and are representative of the greatness this country once stood for.
A friend and I wen't to Knotts Berry Farm in So Ca before they opened, and while we waited in line for the gates to open they announced that they wan't everyone to sing the National Anthem before opening the gates. They started the music, and absolutely NO ONE sang it. Everybody just stood around looking dumb. We where the only ones who knew the words.

[This message has been edited by OK Computer (edited July 05, 1999).]
I watched it from Cape Cod and my family noticed the same thing. The bad news is that a lot of the people did not know the words, even the sailors in Navy whites, one of them was at least reading the words from a clipboard. The good news is that a lot of people did not clap for Ted Kennedy, even the same group of sailors. I would like to assume that we have a lot of out of town tourists, even out of country visitors, and perhaps that explains it. I live about a 20 minute walk from the Esplanade but went to the Cape to escape the heat.

[This message has been edited by Paul Morceau (edited July 05, 1999).]
I noticed that Ted had to read his part from a book, you would have thought that he could have recited from memory?
I noticed the same thing...lots of people not singing. Sure, people are shy about such things, but the kids in bikinis in the front weren't shy about their can-can antics, and I didn't see them singing much. Also I noticed many ethnicities in the crowd...we have so many new refugee additions to our population, it's not surprising that most of them wouldn't be 100% into our patriotic musical traditions. Kudos to Keith and Seiji for their good-natured clowning and infectious enthusiasm, and the Pops for their musical excellence. I also tuned in to the National Celebration from the Mall in D.C., and the National Symphony couldn't compare with the Pops.But let us not be surprised that schools don't seem to teach 'God Bless America' any more: it's (sarcasm switch ON) unconstitutional! slabsides

An armed man is a citizen; an unarmed man is a subject; a disarmed man is a slave.
Like the rest of ya'll I noticed the same from the dc event I was watching....Ive thought for the longest time that not teaching the pledge of allegiance, and singing those patrotic songs has hurt us as a many remember the pledge of allegiance? I remember each morning before class started standing up and putting my hand on my heart and reciting the pledge of allegiance, I remember being taught the story of "the star spangled banner", and visiting Ft. Mchenry, the battle fields of gettysburg, the washington monument and the capitol building.......not only did my parents take me to those places, but my elementary school had field trips to most of those places........fubsy.
Well, I'm not surprised that Ted Kennedy couldn't remember. Remember what we were all told...when you booze you lose millions of braincells. And we all know Ted does like a lil nip now and then ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Anyone know if Teddy boy was sober? I thought I saw someone behind him proping him up. Would'nt be the first time.
I remember when I was a kid, they added the words "under God" to the pledge of allegience. I'm surprised the Supreme court hasn't made that unconstitutional too.
Paul B.
It's the same here - Bruce do you know the words to Advance Australia Fair ? I do
I remember in primary school we had a school pledge i bet it's gone.
I think it was about 1978 that they changed the words in our anthem from Australian sons let us rejoice(when I was 4 I thought it was Australian sunset ostritches)
and also changed a line that went god's great gifts to natures gifts.
The New Zealand anthem is great it's called "God Defend New Zealand"

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I just got back from a weekend in Boston a few hours ago. After a few "canceled" flight which I'm still raging about! Probably go out and paint "American Eagle" on all the clay birds this Thursday :) Anyway, went out to visit some friends, we had planned on sticking around for the Boston Pops but we go to early of a start :( After many hours of ping-pong and as many Guiness I was pooped by 3:00 (not to mention it was hot as Hades!). When we watched it on TV I was disapointed in the lack of participation as well. I was really dissapointed in myself for not sticking around and if I could do it all over again... Afraid watching it on the tube didn't do much for me but I know I probably would have gotten a bit misty eyed if I were there. After the Pops, my friends an I ran out to the river (at least I think it was a river (they live in Brighton)) to watch the fireworks. This just further reminded me of the total lack of respect some people have. There was a group of about 7-8 people along the bank lighting of bottle rockets. After a while one of them tossed a bottle in the river (trash can less than five feet away). Here it is, somone celebrating ID4 and then LITTERING! I got a bit peeved and looked over at my friend who was obviously not very happy but was doing a better job of containing himself (he generally has a short fuse). To avoid a bad scene (and being outnumbered) we bit out tongues and continued to watch the fireworks. A short while another bottle goes in and my friend walks up to them and very politely says, "you're going in after the next one". It looked like it might get a little hairy after that until one of his friend said, "Hell, I've got half a mind to send him in after the ones he already threw in". After a little posturing, not to be emasculated in front of his girlfriend, his frien told him to go after them or walk back! :) I ended up enjoying it after all! All the more so since we couldn't let the rest of his beer go to waste while we stayed and talked to his friends! :)


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It ain't my grammer, it's me tpyign!
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