Sacramento Socialist Club


New member
Just heard on the tv news today that some of the Dems. are going to propose: Every gun must be registered every year so they can keep track of all the guns as well as their owners. They said they feel they're on a roll and can push it through.

From my cold dead hands.
Its funny...Davis said that he wants the legislature to slow down the gun control legislation...strange world...
I would prefer that the state wait for the manditory bio-metric chip implant and the dna sample you will have to give, this way I can get them all done at the same time, and maybe have it done through the good people at the DMV as everyone in kali loves them so much. Perhaps even have the regsistration start the next time you CDL expires that way you take care of that to. WOW how convenient.

If only all the members here could enjoy the blissfull state of exhilarance that all us Kalifornia members enjoy.
I wonder if they will issue regristration stickers just like a car that must be placed on the side of your gun, maby a license plate too. "I can't go shooting today guys my gun tags are expired." "Shooting without a license or insurance, a $500 fine and/or 30 days in jail." What a load of cr**!

Gun control started the Revolutionary War!..."itcta alea est"