Sac, Ca gun report on TV


New member
For those of you who get channel 10 out of Sacramento, CA. They will be doing a story on the 6 o'clock news with film from the Rancho Cordova shooting range.
OK, now I gotta ask, there's a range in Rancho Cordova? Where? (the reason I ask is I'm up here on a contract, and I'm staying in R.C. and well, I'm getting outta practice :)

Unfortunately, I won't be in the room until about 6:30 ... oh well.

[This message has been edited by TR (edited August 11, 1999).]
Well, I just got here, and turned on the TV, only to be greeted with "Smokey and the Bandit!" ...

This is incredible, I suppose it's been pre-empted by this "chase" ... guy driving 50 -60 MPH (he must know about the federal law making it a felony to speed while fleeing/avoiding a stop.

All the news guys want to pin every traffic violation that happened today on him. Why does that not surprise me.

He has a "dark object" with him in the cab ... "it might be a gun" ... Geez!
Geez! like this stupid truck is all that important right? 2 freakin hours now they been showing this bozo.

Any way. TTR, The range is on Douglas road just off Sunrise blvd. Go south on Sunrise to douglas and hang a right, it's a 1/4 mile down on the right. 10 - 8 wed & thursday. 10 - 5 the other five days. Grungy looking, but functional. Used to be the range for Mather AFB.
Geez! like this stupid truck is all that important right? 2 freakin hours now they been showing this bozo.

Any way. TTR, The range is on Douglas road just off Sunrise blvd. Go south on Sunrise to douglas and hang a right, it's a 1/4 mile down on the right. 10 - 8 wed & thursday. 10 - 5 the other five days. Grungy looking, but functional. Used to be the range for Mather AFB.
Thanks Pathfndr ... I'll check it out next week while I'm here ... probably on Wed. eve.

I've been driving past it nearly every day ont he way to and from work :)