SA Two Piece Barrels-Accuracy?


New member
I have posted this on other forums, but since this has such a large membership am also posting it here.

One of the criticisms I constantly read regarding Springfield 1911's is the two piece
barrel. The point is that they are less accurate than the Kimber barrel for instance.
Has anyone conducted some tests comparing the accuracy of the two? Obviously
one gun of each isn't going to prove anything. I am wondering if the complaint is
more the IDEA that the two piece barrel is bad than actual experience. This morning
I called SA and talked to Frank in customer service. I brought up the fact that the
two complaints I hear are the barrels and the sharp edges. He said that the barrels
work fine and there is no need to change to a one piece barrel. He said he would
take the sharp edge complaint to the right people. I wish more would complain to SA
about the sharp edges. I also suggested they consider a melted version as Kimber.
He said that if there were a demand they would but so far there is no demand. I
think the demand is there, but that is up to them. Any way,is there any info
available on the accuracy of the barrels? Jerry
JerryM, there was an article in Gun Tests last year comparing the Kimber, Colt and Springfield pistols. You might see about getting that issue. I don't remember what month it was. That's the only comparison I can think of and that one wasn't limited to the barrels. George
I have an older Springfield, and a fairly new Kimber. The Kimber is noticeably more accurate, both off-hand and from a rest. This is only a sample of one, but I'd pick the Kimber for accuracy. :-)
johnwill, I appreciate you and George replying. You say that the Kimber is noticeably more accurate. Are you talking about 2' vs 4' groups, and have you tried the best ammo for each? About a week ago a buddy and I were testing some factory loads. As you would know some guns (3 were used) liked different brands. The absolute smallest groups were with a customized Colt Officers LW. But it grouped from 1 1/4' at 25 yds to 4 1/2" depending on the ammunition. I realize that this kind of info is not particularly scientific due to the small sample size and variations if others contribute, but I do think it is significant if a large percentage of people find the Kimbers significantly more accurate than the SA. Thanks again. Jerry

If a gun with a two piece barrel doesn't shoot, I think I would look at just about everything else first. Those barrels are to all intents and purposes one piece of steel.

Jerry, if the Kimber is more accurate than the Springfield it isn't due to the one piece barrel. It's because it has a tighter, more consistant lock up. That's the key to accuracy in any 1911. George