SA/DA I need your help!


New member
Just retired and want to get into a new pastime.
What I need to know is: What exactly is SINGLE ACTION, DOUBLE ACTION and DOUBLE ACTION/SINGLE ACTION? I'm a little embarassed since this seems to be commonly referred to. I've asked a couple of people.......but I get very different explanations. I always figured ACTION was an event and SINGLE and DOUBLE referred to how many times the event took place and am having trouble applying this concept to the operation of the pistol. You guys seem very sharp and hope you can help this novice.
All these responses are to what the trigger does:
SA-Single Action, the trigger only drops the hammer.
DA(also referred to as DA/SA)-Double Action, the trigger cocks and releases the hammer. Can also cock the hammer for the first shot if preferred. All subsequent shots after the first will be in the single action mode.
DAO-Double Action Only, All pulls cock and then release the hammer for all shots.

This isn't the most eloquent way to put these descriptions but it works. Still have any questions? Just ask....
Yep, that's the official way to put it :)

If I may add though...

On single action, you must cock the pistol before you fire it the first shot.

On double action, the hammer (or striker) is cocked by the longer pull of the trigger.

On DA/SA, if the hammer is down, then the first shot is DA, in that the hammer (or striker) will be cocked as you pull the trigger, but all subsequent shots, the hammer (blah blah) will be cocked by the slide as the action cycles.

I almost put the revolver definitions too, but then I remembered that this is the Semi-auto forum :)

Glockjeeper, hope you don't mind me helpin out. :D
Don't feel at all bad for asking questions like that. I just started shooting handguns this year, and that was one of the first questions I asked. My buddy who got me started couldn't even answer the question well, because it was so "old hat" and obvious to him.

Glockjeeper did a pretty good job of describing the basics. The thing I wanted to add was that you need to play with guns of all three types before you decide on one (if you haven't already). Myself, I REALLY don't like DA! So a DAO gun would really annoy me! Every shot double action, what a drag (literally).

The DA/SA type of gun, usually just referred to as DA, is very popular with those who want that first shot to have that heavy trigger pull. After the first heavy DA shot, all subsequent shots are the nice, light, SA type, because the recoil (or blowback, depending on the gun)from the first shot cocks it for the second. A lot of LEOs carry this kind of pistol.

I prefer the 1911 myself, which is Single Action only. Before any shot can be fired, the slide needs to be racked by hand, which loads a round and cocks the hammer. I carry it "cocked and locked" which means that a round is already chambered and the hammer cocked so it's ready to fire. The thumb safety is on until the gun is drawn and the finger doesn't come near the trigger until just before I'm ready to fire.

I wasn't comfortable with "Condition One" (carrying cocked and locked) until I got some training, however. I highly recommend a good pistol class that emphasizes defensive pistolcraft. If you can take a class like that before making a buying decision, you will learn a lot about your preferences.

I'm really loving this new hobby of ours. Hope you will have as much fun as I am!

Thanks for the wrap-up

Thanks guys for the last two posts. I knew being the first to post on this topic that I would be somewhat nervous about missing something. Thanks again. I too prefer the SA style of pistol (ie. 1911, preferebly by COLT) and also the Glock. You cant beat these two for simplicity! I like the Beretta because I'm a veteran and like anything, particularly pistols, that our military has, or is, using. This is why I don't have a regular 92FS but instead the Special Edition M9.
I have freely given many small, round lead prayer offerings to the great Spirit that resides in all trees, so that George Bush may become our next President. My prayer offerings to the great spirit have been attended by others, some of whom are in league with the dark demon known only as "Gore". These poor, misguided souls usually come into the light and cast away their insanity when confonted with the power of firearms freedom. Then they too give the lead prayer offerings to the trees and experience much joy. Hail to the new president!...I swear I wasnt drunk when I wrote this;)
