S&W Trigger Finish


New member
When I was buying the Model 28 today, I noticed an older S&W that had a blued trigger and hammer. That's a first for me.

On all the other blued S&W's, the trigger and hammer have been case hardened. Did S&W have offer a blue trigger & hammer or was this done by the previous owner? It matched the finish on the gun.

Yuck! I just hate it when I see that.

It almost always is an indication of a horrible re-blueing of the gun in question. Proceed with caution when examining such a piece.
I did it, well had it "done to me". Brought in a 586 to a local shop I knew nothing about to have it re-blued (young and dumb on such matters at the time).

When I picked it up I was shocked to see the trigger and hammer blued as well as the white outline on the rear sight ruined. They said I should have told them I didn't want those parts blued. I told them I assumed they knew better. Didn't go back for any other work there obviously.
You know...I don't know nearly as much as I ought to about guns.

But, I think that even I know that if the factory didn't blue it to begin with...maybe it was for a reason.

Just when I think I have plumbed the depths of human stupidity-I come across something like this.