S&W treasure chest


New member
I ran up on a treasure chest of old Smiths now to get the cash together. All of these in one place.
Three pre 17 the roughest one is 90 %
Two 1955 Target models 45acp
One 64-3
One triple lock 44 spl about 50 % original finish
Hope to get them all.
Thanks for the generous offer on the Triple Lock:D but if I can get this one it will have a forever home.
Going to meet with the guy Friday Jan 26 ,to try and work it all out. Keep your fingers crossed for me please

Edit to correct date.
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Went yesterday the deal in on with the exception of the 64-3. Will be a bit til I can post pictures. I worked out a way to do it in three payments. I may be stupid for doing this but those guns deserve a good home.

Then temptation never stops. I was working my weekly shift at a friends shop yesterday when in comes a S&W model of 1902 1st change 387 spl 5 in blue. About 60 % locks up good everything is tight. With 5 digit number in the 55xxx. NOt sure if it was made in 1903 or 1904. I dreamed about it last night.