S&W Square Butt Round Butt N Frame


New member
I am looking for information on when S&W changed their N Frame from the square butt frame to the round butt frame and are all N Frames round butt frames now?

I have a S&W 629-2 which I purchased new around 91' which is a square butt frame which I use for target practice and whitetailin'

This is the reason for my question,
I've been looking at another 629 built in the S&W Performance Center Mod.170181http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG...*http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/26337-55.html

For some reason the pc 170181 feels better in my hand than my 629-2 with pachmeyer grips? So I am trying to figure out if the 170181 is a round butt frame and is this the reason the revolver feels so much better? or is it the wood grip configuration that's making the 170181 feel so much better to me?

Also anyone with experience with both square butt and round butt N frames what are some of the Pros and Cons between the two different S&W frames?
Thanks in advance
Does anybody have any knowledge and or experience shooting both round and square butt N frames?Along with opinionated pros and cons between the two frames?

I have several of both types.

The modern-produced "Classics" have square butt frames. The standard models have round butts. The round butt revolvers, to me anyway, seem to roll a bit more than the square butt models do. That seems to fit my shooting style a bit better. The square butts seem to recoil a bit more straight back, and they seem to jar my wrist and arms more.

I've gravitated toward the round butt models since I have hands which don't like the larger Goncalo Alves target stocks that used to be standard on some of the older N frames. Most of the time I use Ahrends stocks, since they're made for folks who don't have ape-sized hands.

Pachmayr's and Hogue's are really different from each other. Pachmayr's seem to be a bit longer front-to-back, and Hogue's feel a bit rounder. A lot depends on the make up of your hands and finger length.

There just isn't a set rule. You probably gravitate toward one or the other as your shooting style develops.

Thank you for your knowledgable response on this subject.
I was wondering if the round butt revolvers would have a different recoil opposed to the square butt frame design,I can see how the round butt could have a roll in the recoil compared to the square butt frame.Guess I have an excuse for another 629 for research purposes of course :)....Not sure the wife will buy that excuse though?? lol

Thanks again
I have/had several of each and have sold or traded all but one RB Smith. Replaced them with the SB model. All at added expense BTW. The round butt seems more uncomfortable in my hand with the roll and design.

I have tried Pachmyers, Ahrends and S&W grips from Midway, both the RB grips as well as the conversions.

I guess I am old school.
I have always liked square butt frames. It seems the grip stays in he hand , in a more consistant way. It does not move around in the hand as much.

I prefer a square butt myself. The rounded bottom of the RB helps conceal the gun better (less printing), but, when gripping the gun, it's material that's not up against the butt of my palm firmly.

Fortunately, you can have both with today's gun: "Conversion" grips fit RB gun guns, but have the outside dimensions of a SB grip. Be sure the description indicates it's a "RB conversion" grip, though.
I have some of both as well ....and overall, I prefer the SQ Butt as well ...but its all about what grips you have on the gun ...and how they fit your hands.

I have a buddy with smaller hands -- and he really likes the Round Butt frames...

so I don't know that its a yes or no to one or the other ...it depends on what fits you the best.
MOshooter65202 wrote:
Thank you for your knowledgable response on this subject.
I was wondering if the round butt revolvers would have a different recoil opposed to the square butt frame design,I can see how the round butt could have a roll in the recoil compared to the square butt frame.Guess I have an excuse for another 629 for research purposes of course ....Not sure the wife will buy that excuse though?? lol

Thanks again

From identical rounds, the recoil is the same. A 244gr JHP @ 1400f/s will recoil the same, regardless the grip frame design. The difference is in felt recoil. That's where grip frame and stock designs come into play.

As a point of interest, S&W, in the early twentieth century moved to square-butt frames after offering both for several years. Now, except for the "Classics", they've gone back to round butts.

My conclusion? There's nothing new under the sun. :D :D :D
N frames

I HAD a M27 (trading was the dumbest thing I ever did) and a M29 which were both square butts. I now have a 629 Mtn w/ round butt, and a M28 square.

The M27 and the M29 of long ago both had factoy target stocks, which made shooting OK, but carrying the big honkers were another story. They will not conceal well, and carrying them in open holsters afield, I beat the "square" edges up a good bit.

An Nframe round, with the right grip, is a fairly tidy item, espcially compared to the monster square target models. As I do not run my Mtn gun full power, recoil is not a problem. The M28 wears the skimpy factoy Magna grips. I don't like'em especially, as double action work with the skimpy grip is not my best, but they carry well and the retro look is appealing.
I really appreciate all of the input and want to thank everyone for your responses over this subject.

I'm still not sure if the S&W 629 sku# 170181 from the performance center is a round or square butt frame? I really liked the way the revolver with the wood grips feel in my hand.
I tried to contact S&W the other day and was unable to get through on the phone with them to ask about this revolver,if the 170181 is a square butt frame? If it is a square butt frame I sure would like a set of grips like that for my 629-2 square butt frame

Thanks again for all the great responses
Thanks for the information MrBorland that's the revolver that I have been looking at,the guys at Bass Pro counter couldn't answer that question.
Thanks again