S&W Serial Numbers?


New member
Hello all,

I have two older K frame Smiths. One is a K-22 Masterpiece, the other is a K-38 Combat Masterpiece. They were both bought brand new by my father many years ago. On both guns the serial number is different on the cylinder yokes and the frames. Was this common on older Smiths?

Thanks in advance,
S&Ws are still marked that way. The number on the frame is the serial number and the one on the crane an assembly number. Why there is no correlation between serial and crane numbers, can't say but I'm sure someone here knows.
Burrhead is correct.

On newer S&Ws, though, the serial number is marked inside the crane cut, on the latest ones with what looks like some sort of dot matrix printer instead of the old solid numbers made by "bunters."

The assembly number was done to keep parts together during the fitting & finishing stages, before serial numbers were stamped.

The correct location for serial numbers is on the base of the grip, the inside of the left or right grip panel, and the face of the cylinder, among other places.
That all sounds pretty right to me.
If you would like to know just when your guns were first sold,the S&W Historian(Roy Jinks)will email you the info free.His email is:- willow@crocker.com
That's if things haven't changed in the last week.